saturday & tuesday & thursday

Apr 02, 2006 23:51

alright right. i'll post again of a week gone by.

saturday :

i went to see the strokes with with my friend, ray. the strokes were never my cup of tea. but i knew it'd be fun going with him since he's really into that sortof music and i thought it'd kind of rub off on me. and it did. it kind of felt like when we went to see the doves perform live. the concert was all magical and enthralling. sortof how my first concerts felt like. my first concert i ever went to was to see the cure with my cousin. i was a late bloomer and it was when i was sixteen or so. i remember a lady dancing in front of us who was quite elderly. but she had a ball of a time. she was doing the robot dance to the cure. i couldn't believe it. the strokes were a good time even though we were way up. but that gives you a different perspective. i like different angles. it really doesn't matter where i sit. i prefer the front, though. but really, it doesn't matter as long as i can hear the music and see the players perform. during the show we went to stand in line to get some drinks and food. a guy cut in front of us and apparently asked if he could stand in front of us if he gave us two dollars. we were baffled. but we said okay anyways. we really didn't know what to think. then he started talking to us. he asked if they served alcohol there. and we said they didn't. he must've been drunk to ask something like that and pay us two dollars, and he fumbled his two dollars in his hands and he had to pick them back up from the floor. then he asked if we were into buddhism. i shouldn't have said anything, but i told him that i was. i told him that there's this large buddhist temple near my house in hacienda heights. he became interested and wanted to know more. he asked for the address of the place, but of course i didn't have that on the top of my head. so he asked for my phone number, haha. i said i wasn't comfortable giving it to him and he understood. i wonder if he was gay and was picking up on me. that was a strange thing to ask.

tuesday :

it was pouring pouring rain. i think there was a record rainfall. i was conflicted about going to see stereolab, but i forced myself. i thought it'd be good for me. i had lent my umbrella with danny and rose, and so i had to use this rather large one that about four people could probably fit under. it was a challenge just getting into my car with that gigantic umbrella. driving around southern california drivers is a skill. it's treacherous on the freeways. especially since at one part i was going two miles per hour for ten or so minutes. and then i decided to take the streets like a normal person from los angeles would. when i got there i found a seat quickly and started to listen to the music and tried to stay calm and not looking so bored. it's an odd thing to do. i never know what to do when i go to concerts by myself. i would have gone to the merchandise table, but i didn't want to get a seat before the seats were filled. and it did fill up. i felt bad for the people that came a little late and there were no seats available. they must've gone through that horrible rain storm that i braved. so i sat still and noticed the couples that were seated around me. stereolab seems like a band that would bring a lot of people that were on dates. i would if i had a date to bring. anything french always seems more romantic. i've tried to speak french, but i could never get the hang of it. i learned some animals and numbers once, but i've forgotten by now. i would have to speak it everyday for me to be able to speak it, and i don't so that's a problem. at least if i ever get to travel to canada or the united kingdom they'd speak english. i've also always wanted to learn gaelic. so anyways, there were couples and i think from my slight cold & noticing couples & not having one & the first band (sam prekop and archer prewitt) i suddenly had a headache. i expected sam prekop to sound incredible. and maybe he was. but it was so intimate and i was so far away so it just felt uncomfortable watching him. i wanted drums. i wanted keyboards. but it was just two men playing guitars and one singing. and i didn't see the special feeling i get when i watch a musician. there was something missing. so that ended up resulting in my headache throughout the whole sterelab set. and getting discouraged about the headache made it even worse. oh gosh ! but i knew they were incredible. i've seen them at stereolab. and i must have sergio burn me some of their cds because most of the songs i had not heard before. i liked how the music blended with the images behind them. it reminded me of broadast's show. next time i'll try to go down on the floor. i just was very tired that day from school, and i knew i had school the next day and i didn't want to tire myself out even more. i had a long drive ahead of me.

thursday :

my throat was on flames this day. a sore throat and a fever. it felt like people built a campfire inside of my throat. even though i was sick, my mental health was spot on good. i was extremely happy for some unknown reason. at least i didn't know why. i thought people were usually sadder when they catch a cold. maybe because it wasn't such a bad case. maybe it's because of the cold remedies. alka-seltzer tablets that would fizz in water. and the bubbles would amaze me. it's like chemistry class. we had to use the bunsen burner to heat hydrogen chlorite with calcium carbonate. yes, i did enjoy that. i also have to take tylenol for my headache. plus i've been taking vitamins because of my vegan diet. so there was so many additives swimming around my body. maybe it's because people were wishing me well and have me in their thoughts. maybe it's because i wasn't being productive for a reason. but i was being productive with letting myself rest. i would sleep for hours and hours, which is something i normally don't do because of school and staying up at such a late hour. or maybe it's because the sky was so blue and all the colours would pop out. or maybe it's because having a cold makes me forget i have real problems, emotional ones. ones i'm not sure how to fix just yet. and i know i'll be able to fix my cold and so i just worry about something that will improve and i can control. maybe it's because it's cold outside. the same temperature of humboldt. and it makes me excited and a little bit nervous but more excited than anything. the good thing about the cold is that when there's warmth, it feels so much better than being warm all the time. it's comforting. sweater weather.

i had a dream where terrorist act at coachella took place. i kept hearing rumors that there was going to be. in the dream i had a daydream. it was going down to disneyland, which was only a few blocks away, and telling one of the security there. but no one was listening to me. but it was only a daydream anyways. and then a few seconds go by and bam ! i wake up. now i'm in bed with my wife. she was skinny and mid western looking. i guess i must've been in my mid thirties. she was too. she woke me up. there were people that came in. a younger girl. in her teens maybe. she was pretty, but she was mentally challenged. she was my daughter. i knew that. i asked my wife what happened to her, has she always been this way. and my wife nodded. my wife was talkative. i was really confused as to what was happening. maybe i had amnesia or something. but i did remember some pieces. she took me to another room. there were mirrors lining the wall. i looked at me and my face looked a little funny. i went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror in there and saw that part of my face was burned. and now the pieces came together. it was because of those terrorists. i was so shocked and i felt extremely saddened by this. i looked at my daughter's face, and her face was partially burned. i was also feeling a little strange because my wife and i had problems. but now that i'm hurt, she probably would want to stay married to me to take care of me and i probably would have to accept this. she took me into the bedroom and told me that she had a surprise for me. she reached under the bed and pulled out a dog that looked like a pig. i was a bit taken back. i laughed at it. it was a funny gift to give someone who was in my state. i didn't even know if it was my taste. i didn't even know if i liked dogs at all. i felt so dizzy from all this commotion going on. i felt tied to everything, but wanting desperately to be detached. and then i woke up again. relieved. young.
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