Jun 01, 2005 16:53
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: eric is busy designing the defense system from terminator
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: thats why its classified
Hehzeus: lol
Hehzeus: they classify stupid shit
Hehzeus: and they dont classify stuf you would think is classified
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: like your job?
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: i think it should be classified that you dont do work most of the time
Hehzeus: the only thing really classfied on my job are the frequencies i know, the techniques they jam with, and some of the parts on the pod
Hehzeus: thats unclassified FOUO
Hehzeus: for official use only =)
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: whats tha
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: oh
Hehzeus: meaning it cant be used in the court of law
Hehzeus: unless deemed necessary by the governemtn or something
Hehzeus: its like heavily guarded unclassified
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: quit talking gavin
Mr 53Lf D35tRucT: im going to get you arrested
Hehzeus: lol
Hehzeus: ok
Hehzeus: ps aliens are real
Hehzeus: and its classified, but i cant wear white socks during exercises, but i am anyways