Jan 14, 2009 20:42
So lately there's been a lot of talk of the words Fail and Win. I enjoy them. Simple connotations for very basic tenants. Fail is the one you hear the most...when someone does something really stupid, or for lack of a better word, fails at something, it's a Fail. When they do something really cool, or succeed at something, it's a Win. Actual milage on the terms may vary from individual to individual, but usually people can agree on what is a Fail and what is a Win. But surprise surprise...there are actually LEVELS to how badly or how greatly one can Fail or Win.
Let's start with Fail and Win. Those are the basics. Your standard, if you will. Then you have your Classic Fail. I do not believe there is a Classic Win, but I could be mistaken. Classic is a timeless Fail. You know it's coming, because you've seen it. Or it's done the rounds enough to be recognized. Then there's Total Fail. Total Fail is an unusually bad Fail, but still leaves something to be salvaged, usually. Like the possibility of doing it right a second time. Then on the other side of the scale, there's Full of Win. Full of Win is a Win you can really sink your teeth into. A little higher up on the scale is Full of Win and Love. That's a Win you have to tell other people about, because it's just so Win. Next, on the other side of things, is the Massive Fail. This is a Fail so fail-riffic, it defies the imagination. A Fail that you want to ask the person who failed, "What were you thinking?" A lesser known subset is the Ultra Fail and Ultra Win catagories...I think to think of these as the compounded versions. Something happens, then something else happens to top the first thing. Not used very much, I've found. Then we get into my favorites. The Epics. There is an Epic Fail and an Epic Win. These are the ones that blow your mind. Here's the interesting part...an Epic Fail can also be an Epic Win, if the circumstances are right. Just the fact that it's Epic, makes it Win, you might say. If there's a catagory above that, it's gotta be legendary. Like Legendary Fail would be killing yourself with a penny, or Legendary Win would be surviving a 100-story fall without an injury, or winning the lottery twice in a row. Really insane junk.
These catagories, of course, are subject to opinion, and it's hard to gauge, but it's fun to think about, isn't it?