Sep 26, 2007 21:58
Well, alright, here's what's been going on in my life, as I've not really been around a lot lately.
1) I had to take Bree to the vet today because on Monday I noticed she had some redness around her nail on her right back paw. I let it ride a couple days, see if maybe it was just an agitation of some kind but today the little one was limping so I =had= to take her in because, well, wtf, so $400 later, she had an ear infection which she scratched with her back paw which spread to her nail which made her gimpy. So now it's a month of pills and drops and another vet visit next week to make sure she's on track.
But she's okay.
2) I've decided to take an extra semester worth of classes to make my life easier over the coming fall/winter semesters. So graduation is now January 2009.
3) I've been doing my readings for class. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
4) I got my student line of credit increase, so I'm not going to be a blitthering ball of stress with regards to money.
5) There are no boys in my life. No prospects, not looking, just trying to take care of myself right now. Chad's there in the background, but that's always been the case since he showed up. I like it, but that's where things will stay, I think.
6) There was something else that I was going to say but I forgot. OH! I remember. I hate those fucking yoplait commercials. The one where the fucking grey hair dumbass dude is sitting in a 'bar' and is all like 'give me a double.' and then the stupid bar wench gives him a big container of fucking yogourt. And the other one where she's all "DID YOU KNOW IT HAS ONE TRILLION GAZILLION PROBIOTIC CULTURES!?!?!?!!" and then the greyhaired fuck turns around to the 'bar' and is all " I don't want to hear any of say that i'm not CULTURED."
WOW. they're really stretching it over there at Yoplait.
Oh and anyone who wants to come watch Grey's at my place tomorrow night is more than welcome. Come over a little before it starts(when is that?) and we'll get settled before. Bring your own snacks and such as I'm vacant except for a lettuce and carrots and my line of credit isn't in until next week:P
Love and Kittens.
OOH OH OH and PS if anyone has an extra can opener and/or vegetable peeler, could i have it?:D