Oh, look, the next drama

May 18, 2012 12:36

This morning, the OB was talking about putting me on insulin because I have been steadily gaining weight and my blood pressure is worsening. My diet is making me sick and emotionally distraught. I feel worse than I've felt in over a year, emotionally, and I know it's more than just crazy pregnancy hormones.

I have type II diabetes. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I have worked very hard to keep up-to-date on nutrition information (which is a nightmare, fyi, because science changes it's story frequently), BUT I had gotten my blood sugar levels well under control through eating a ovo-lacto vegetarian diet and becoming really active. I had been steadily losing weight (at a nightmare slow, pace, lol), when I came up pregnant. Since then I have been eating bread and meat, due to cravings, and due to lots of the articles I had read and because the diabetic counselor last week gave me a sample diet to follow for the week. This diet that I've been consuming has a higher fat content, and I have gained back 30 lbs since becoming pregnant!

I'm really quite frustrated and more than a little angry, because I feel like I'm poisoning myself on the American diet. Part of the problem lies in the fact that stress also raises blood sugar levels and this is the end of the school quarter where everything is coming due and finals are a fortnight away. Part of the problem lies with the fact that I have not been exercising the way I had been previously due to lack of energy and over-abundance of shit-is-due. The blame definitely lies at my feet when it comes to my lack of will power for choosing processed foods. Sugar is such a terribly addicting poison.

Two weeks ago I was told to go see a diabetic counselor. I followed orders and was blown away by the information that she gave me. It was so very 1970's typical government nutrition information. Think, "Aspartame is okay, because the FDA has given it's stamp of approval." (And I quoted that last part.) What?! I have a long list of FDA approved foods/stuff that has turned out to be poison. For serious?! On the other had, I was perhaps secretly thrilled when my diabetic counselor told me to eat 2 slices of bread with pretty much every meal. Whole wheat, but still! I've been eating bread since confirming I was pregnant and I am paying for it. Anyway, I have attempted to follow the diet consisting of 6 small meals a day,
in the format of "2 carbs, 1 protein, 0-1 fats" for breakfast and snacks and "3 carbs, 3 proteins, 2 veg" for lunch/dinner. I've gained another 3 lbs last week. Argh! Why must the protein come from meat? why must the carbs come from processed breads. I chose the whole wheat bread with the least amount of ingredients, no artificial sweeteners, corn syrup or molasses. You know, the $5/loaf bread? And, actually, it's not horrible tasting. I have just learned through a long time process of trial and error that I perform better without processed carbs or sugars in my diet. So.....I have a follow-up appointment this afternoon where I am going to see if I can go on a doctor-supervised vegetarian diet. There are carbs and proteins in everything we eat! Some are easier absorbed than others, but  vegetables, grains and legumes give all the nutrition a body needs. At least, I have found this to be personally true.

On the plus side, the baby had a strong heartbeat and everything is progressing nicely. 15 weeks and counting.


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