The Great Purging

Mar 02, 2012 17:31


1. I have finally paid off all outstanding old debt. I have minimal new debt (a new car and education, so large ticket, but only two).
2. I have rented a storage unit to keep stuff best left off-site.
3. I am going through the great purge in between procrastinating on homework, BBF meeting planning and being with my mate.
4. Got enticed into accepting a role as executive producer for an independent film that a friend of mine is writing.

The Act of Purging

There's a funny thing about number 3. I've come to this place of treating school like a 9-5 job. Maybe most people fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to not work while in school do the same? What this means is that I do whatever homework, project planning from about 9 AM to 6 PM when J gets home, and then I'm done, regardless if I' have completed everything that must have been accomplished. Every once in awhile I put in extra time (as needed), but it has worked out nicely that I don't need to. It's have been a great balancing and I feel the stronger for it.

The act of purging and connecting people with needs for the things I'm purging has been awesome and cathartic, too. I have felt claustrophobic for awhile, but it's amazing how many things one accumulates. Not purchasing things "just in case" has been a long-suffering life lesson, but I'm almost at a point where I can logic myself out of making that purchase. I'll be much better in the future.  But, I'm also taking a hard stance on what I'm willing to store, and for how long I feel that I will pay to store things. Mainly it's books, because I love my library, and I do re-read things. I just don't have the space in my apartment to store books. So, the plan is to rotate them out every few months for new entertainment. One day I hope to pass them onto my kids as a relic of the past we live(d) in. For now, I just cannot give them up. There are a couple of items I'm torn on, because they were gifted to me and I appreciate them (mostly jewelery). I just don't like jewelery. So, I wonder what I'm going to do about it.

A word on Enticement
Such a sucker. Seriously? I read the story and I think that it has potential to be a really good movie. The writer approached me and asked me to "make it happen". I said yes. Why? Because it looks like a helluva lot of stress-filled fun and that is right up my alley. Plus, there's potential to create something that moves people. That's alluring.

So, it's done. There's a time-line, a budget, and some leads to production people. Oh, yes, I am aware that this will remove another layer of naive about how large scale projects work. That's kinda the intrinsic value of it. I want to be wholly competent as Procurer of People and Things, as well as upkeep my role of Keeper of Stories and Secrets. I am a very important (wo)man. I've got a tower.

That is all.

The next big adventure.
I've got plans lined up for my trip home. So excited. I'll not spoil the plans here, but rather share them after the fact.
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