
Feb 01, 2012 16:08

Questions from Class and my answers.

(1) Why is it important to clarify personal and organizational values?  In other words, what are the benefits of being clear about values?

Being clear about values helps create guidelines for decision making. It gives a framework for actions that a person takes or refrains from taking. Ideally it would also spur people to recognize and potentially act on the creative tension between their “perfect world” and “reality”.

(2) What are some different ways to go about clarifying values?

The one that helped me the most in creating the personal mastery list was asking the question “why” and perhaps explain out loud what the value means to me, because often it leads to unexpected seeds of ideology. Reflecting on prominent memories is a starting point. From strong positive & negative memories a person can dissect what made it stand out and form concepts of values.

(3) What are some of the "behavioral indicators" of a person's values?  In other words, in what ways does a person's behavior indicate what he/she truly values?

People communicate through their words and actions, because it is easy to say one thing without committing to what has been said. The old adage, “actions speak louder than words.” is true for just that reason. For instance, behavioural indicators of valuing integrity would be immediately turning in a lost or stolen credit card without abusing the fact that it is in your possession.
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