Push Back

Jan 27, 2012 11:16

Activism has been the theme of the week. It began with the UW talking about students lobbying against cutting funding to the UW. This is also a theme of Obama's plan to get re-elected. a la The Chicago Tribune.I know that I wrote an angry-face letter to the governors and various representatives.

I wrote a different angry-face letter to the senators for the release of Father Bill Bichsel who has tended to the needs of many homeless and sick folk living on the streets of Tacoma, WA. He was jailed for violating probation last year and they mistreat him badly in the system. He was brought to my attention by Daisy and I've been really meditating on him and what he means to live a peaceful and loving christian life. And how he is suffering for it. C'mon, this is all up the goldfish's alley.

In class we watched a documentary on peaceful movements. It was about the ending of segregation in the South using non-violent movements.

I am starting the Fifth Sacred Thing again. For the imagery of how to begin a forceful and peaceful intentional community. To imagine hefting a  pick-ax at the cement. To understand what drives me to make that decision. I have heard from a few different sources that they would like the same freedom to slow down and live in community and harmony. The Quakers did it, so there's precedence.

The Tacoma Occupy Movement is burning low and leaking support. I don't see it going much farther, but then I am not a part of that body, so I could be wrong. It was the right idea, but without a consistent push towards the end goals (an unclear end-game plan).
But it was a success! people are talking, unrest is spreading and people are starting to vent.

I have e-mailed my friends at the Parks Department as well as Earth Corp. regarding the BBF. It's a new year and the growing season is coming upon us. It's time to see what all the parties involved want and how I can serve my community. I am eager to spread word far and wide. I'm just nervous about getting started and committing to stir this hornet's nest. I can't help it, there's a lot more at stake than just a few acres of dirt. It's a step towards re-greening the city and befriending my neighbors. Now...how to inspire some other folks to dedicate some of their life to a healthier community... seriously, I would appreciate your input.


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