ok well i haven't been at my moms work in a while but not much has changed!!
School is over well at least until the 6th when i start summer school!!
I'm not too happy i have to go but then again it's better than sitting on my ass doing nothing.
i look back on this year and wow!! i have gone thru so many different phases thats its not even funny.
Gizelle: my love, this year has been crazy!! i have gone through so much with you. this year was just added to the three we've completed together!!! and we've got three more to go!! You have grown up and still have a lot more to do!! but i'm glad i could watch you do it. you saw me go through some of the most intense times of my life... when i lalaed with ryan for the first time!!! and all the ups and downs with him!! my denial with my dad....all the support you gave me even if at the time i thought you were being insenstive...i know you weren't it was just you didn't know how to help me! my mom dating enough said!! i don't think that stituation is over yet! me being unsure of whether i still wanted to be friends you ...but i was just going through a phase..... i love you...and thank you for all you have done!!! i don't know what i would do without you!!!
Olivia: Sam you are such a bad influence on me!!! and i love it!! i'm so glad i became such great friends with you!!! I'm glad you confided in me in your time of need..... you didn't deserve what happened to you....but i glad it made us closer!!! I think about how we really became friends and i laugh!! it was all because of ryan!!! i started talking to you about in 8th grade wanting to take you up to meet them.....when i barely knew you !! and thats when it all started!! i remember the first time i was supposed to sleep over and we went to the bowling alley and got into the car accident!!! i was terrified but it just brought us closer some how...and i remember the only thing we were mad about was the fact i couldn't sleep over!!! I had a couple of my first bad girl experinces with you......see it's all your fault!!! but i also grew with you we have becomegreat friends in such a short period of time but i love you and you mean alot to me!!! i have many more experinces to have with you!!
Alx: i didn't get to know you as well as i would have liked but i clicked with you the moment i met you. we had something in common.... your max my jason. i have seen you cry over jon this whole year.....getting back together with him and then breaking up with him again. i get so mad when i hear you two are back together but i can't because i do the same thing! i have to get together with you this summer for sure!!! you are one friendship i don't want to lose but i do want to get closer!!! because i can see us as close friends.....call me and/or i'll call you! must stay in touch. i love you!!
Sydney: for some reason i only started talking to you more like the last week of school. But i think you're a great person and someone i can relate with really well. you give great advice and are honest and real. and i like that because in high school especially ours it's hard not to find someone whos not superficial!! you seem like someone i could get to know....and i was slowly doing that but school ended but i will be seeing you in summer school. i would like to chill with you. definetly talk more because the few i have had with you have been great !!hope we stay good friends!! see you in summer school!!!!
And there have definetly more people that have made this year enjoyable but i'm getting really tired and bored. but this year hasn't been that great to me. 9th grade honestly SUCKED!! i struggled this whole hoping and praying i wouldn't fail!! and in some ways i did.. in some of my classes!! but i never gave up completley. i wanted to though. i'm determined to be better next year!!! i don't want to be the depressed antisocial person i was!! that will change! for those who are going to summer school see you there!!! and if not see you next year have a great summer!!
i love all!!!!!!!!!!!
byeness!! mwah!