Recap Of The Life.

Mar 22, 2006 13:19

While I was gone a lot of things happened. I partied a little bit, but basically stayed the nerdy girl that I naturally am.
Ryan and I are still together. One year and going strong baby. I seriously never thought when I met him that it would last as long as it has. I definetly hasn't been easy but we've made it work. Yay us.
I am currently waiting to hear back from two universities. Saint Francis Xavier University in Antigonish and University of Kings College in Halifax. I really want Kings. I applied for Bachelor of Journalism Honours at Kings and Nursing and Arts and St.F X.
It was a deal that was made with my parents, I could chase my Journalism dream as long as I applied for Nusing, which is what they would like me to take, incase Journalism doesn't work out.
BHJ only accepts 40 kids though so its a pretty long shot.
I can't wait to hear from them. Cross your fingers everyone.
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