The Recent Drama Llama - A Low Blow on "Knee-drop Guru"

Mar 03, 2011 19:56

“I had no idea the three members were filing a lawsuit.”

One quiet day in DongBang land...

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I know a lot of people always say that DBSK are grown men that know what they’re doing and they can make their own decisions. Yes, DBSK are grown men. Yes, they can make their own decisions. But all of that doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you always make the right decisions. It doesn’t mean you’re always correct. If we really believed that all adults were correct then I’m sure there would be a lot less yelling going on in the households where the modern teenager and the modern parent live together in peace and harmony. Yes, that was sarcasm.

From when JYJ first started off with their…struggles in 2009 to the current date: March 3rd, 2011, they said quite a few things that pissed me off. From the day the lawsuit started, JYJ were put in front of cameras as JYJ a lot sooner than HoMin were put in front of cameras as HoMin. At the time I was sure all five of them felt like cancerous cat shit so in the event that JYJ got in front of the camera or got in that news room and slipped up in the way they said a few words or maybe got (in some peoples opinion) “caught up in the moment”: I let it go. I gave them lots and lots of wiggle room to get their thoughts organized, reorganized, spellchecked, and then said the same way to [insert media outlet here.] In other words, I gave them time to phrase their thoughts with a little more tact and with a little more insight. For a long time the only things they said regarding the lawsuit were always along the lines of “it’s unfortunate that these things happened.” I get that. The first time we got any of the actual details of how this situation got where it is today was when JYJ’s “Music Essay” was released with a song called “song without a name part 1.” Here, Yoochun vents about SM and reveals things that no one had ever thought of or could never prove.

Right now is HoMin’s “wiggle room” time. The only difference between HoMin’s time to do stupid stuff and JYJ’s time to do stupid stuff was that when JYJ was doing stupid stuff the only people they had to deal with was Cassiopeia so they were let off the hook pretty easily for most things… I think. But now that HoMin are finally in the spotlight again and saying stupid stuff, they don’t just have to deal with Cassiopeia but they have to deal with a rapidly growing and very intense JYJ fan base. So please, give HoMin their wiggle room time!  So, even though I have a lot to say about this whole situation, most things having to do with fan reactions, I think I’ll stop here. But remember kids, there’s always more than one side to a story and things aren’t always as they seem. I mean, Professor Snape turned out to be a good guy in the end!



"Words are always lost in translation , this is when i say people should maybe learn English better or get back in to taking an English class and open up a dictionary. What i got from it was this. 1 He didn't know they were going to file a lawsuit and when they did he was shocked. There is a possibly he didn't know and it's not cause of when we know or when his dad said something. The question was how did he feel about the law suit. Not (when//) So he answered it like how he should have. When he first heard he was shocked. He didn't know they did it. Meaning when he heard cause he could have heard it of cause before us. But he's not on trial and they didn't ask him when was the date he heard this. Also the blame game is tired now. It's not just JYJ fans or Homin fans, DBSK had a huge anti base before this whole thing. It's both fans alike making a war that is unnecessary. EVERYONE is judging this and making it like JYJ and Homin are fighting there not. ( I say there not cause none of them have said so) These MEN still have to leave there life and Yes hold there head up high. To face what ever they have to. At the end of the day this is not our life.. Everyone is quick to assume , but they don't read the letters that start with that word.. ASS, they make a big one of themselves. Also these Blogger one wants to analyze the case the other wants to show the trail of abuse from fans. I mean come on what is the point. I mean what are we really fighting. AND I'm talking about I-Fans as well. Where not in Korea we get third party info and take it out of hand. Well that is my opinion on the matter."

jyj, drama llama, homin, cassiopeia, dbsk

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