The Recent Drama Llama: Endless Rumors

Jan 29, 2012 15:04

If you've been in the Cassiopeia underground recently (or in some cases, the Cassiopeia not-so-underground) you might've heard about a new DBSK reunification rumor that was published in Japan. I'm not going to repost the article because it was from a tabloid, but I thought I'd take this chance to discuss various DBR's (Dong Bang Rumors :P) and speculate what could happen if they somehow became true and then discuss why they probably won't.

It has been a fairly quiet winter within the fandom in terms of large-scale conflicts, and any significant disappointments that any part of the fandom experienced were all mutual for example: the year end award ceremonies. Neither JYJ nor HoMin won anything that was highly publicized, most big awards going to Super Junior, SNSD, 2NE1, and B2ST, but they didn't go the entire way without winning anything. Both JYJ and HoMin won a few awards in the musical and in the acting realms. I guess once the initial drama died down from the MAMA voting process we all just took what we could get. Oh, and there was that one little episode of YooSu vs. Jaejoong fans and the usual YunJae shipper demonstrations at various live events...most of which I find to be more on the comical side, but whatever.

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Anyways, the first rumor I heard floating around was the infamous "March 28th" rumor which basically says that both JYJ and HM said that they had plans for unveiling a surprise on March 28th of this year. For a hot second I got genuinely excited but luckily this was a Tumblr rumor and the girl who started it openly admitted to making it up. Nevertheless, March 28th is being treated like the second coming of Jesus by a portion of the fandom. There has been no video or written evidence regarding the statement that both groups promised to unveil a surprise on this date, but on March 28th, HoMin will be in a slight break leading up to their final few concerts in Tokyo and JYJ will be doing various individual activities. Could this possibly result in a little secret meeting at a sketchy BBQ shop in the ghetto of Seoul? Maybe. Will it? Probably not. But hey, we won't know until March 29th.

The second rumor, one that has been getting a lot more attention (omg it was even posted on allpop! -___-) is one started by a Japanese tabloid which basically says: Avex hasn't been making any money so some type of DBSK reunion will be happening in Japan under their company. At first I didn't pay any attention to this rumor because it was published in a tabloid, but little did I know that 24 hours later, every OT5 on the internet would be freaking out about it. For one, I don't believe tabloids. If I did I would think that Justin Bieber had a child with some random girl among many other things including but not limited to various public figures being aliens.

What really caught my eye was that Super Junior's Shin Dong discussed this article on his radio show the other day. He said that although even if the chances were small, even as small as 1%, that there was a chance that the five of them could eventually perform together, even if it would only be a one time thing, but he hadn't heard either Changmin or Yunho mention such a thing. He also said that it would be a joy for him if the five could perform together again. Over the past year, Super Junior members have openly talked about the JYJ/HM situation so that aspect of this isn't anything new. However, we must remember that this was a rumor started by a tabloid so it's nothing to freak out about. In fact you'd probably be a lot better off forgetting about it or at least storing it in that little box labeled "hope" in the back of your brain.

But have you ever wondered what would happen if DBSK actually did get back together? We all know that there are OT5, JYJ, and HM fans out there nowadays, but the divisions aren't as simple as that. Amongst JYJ and HM fans are people that secretly still like DB5K but just decided to bunk down for the time being. Then amongst OT5ers there are people who would rather have the two groups remain separate especially if it meant JYJ going back to SM or Avex. So in the event of a reunion you'd have JYJ/HM fans becoming OT5, OT5's turning into some new kind of fan, and you'd have a huge sea of JYJ and HM fans who feel betrayed. In some sense, a reunification at this point could make things even messier than they already are, but even if that were to happen it would eventually settle down just as it has right now with OT5's, JYJ, and HM fans all in their little separate corners doing whatever the hell they want.

Personally, I don't think DBSK will be getting back together any time soon. Even if they have the balls to figure something out later on down the road I think by then it will be far too late. Jaejoong and Yunho will be going into the military sooner than later, Junsu is getting pretty hooked on the musicals, Yoochun is getting pretty hooked on the dramas, and Changmin has seemingly reinvented himself to the point where he's completely content with the way things are going at the moment. Although I'd be insanely happy if they were to reunite, I just don't really trust the boys anymore and I'm following along simply because I can't look away.

But hey, never say never. (no, that wasn't a Justin Beiber reference)


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