For those of you who didn't know, I take a Japanese class on the weekends all throughout the school year and classes just started again yesterday!!! Despite not going to my Japanese language camp over the summer I kinda sorta got back in the hang of speaking Japanese to people who could understand what I was saying EVEN if my verbs kinda just weren't really working. The first thing we did was go around and talk about what we did over the summer (in Japanese of course). I showed the class the piece I composed for my summer camp and they all seemed to like it.....i think. ^^
But it seems like I was the only one who spent the summer stateside because almost everyone had tales to tell from their trips to various places (most commonly, Japan). Maybe someday soon I'll get to go.... On the bright side, two of my friends from class got me stuff while they were in Japan! (aren't they nice?!?!?!)
First off is this Luke Skywalker keychain!!!!! Kawaii desu ne!!!!!!! The force shall indeed be strong with me....i'm hesitating whether to attach this to my backpack because it might break.... but since my previous Star Wars keychian broke I might replace it with this.... or just keep in in my room away from harm forever and ever (until i go to Japan myself and buy about a gazillion more of these)
Second is this cellphone charm!!! I'm not really sure what the package says but apprently it's about happiness or something. Either way, it's really adorable ^____^ Seeing as my DBSK cellphone charm broke towards the end of last spring, this gift came just in time!!
Of course now I have to get my act together for the JLPT. Hwaiting!!!