Once upon a time I drove south...

Oct 20, 2010 21:42

And now I'm back! It wasn't that long of a trip since it was kind of a spur of the moment idea me and my sister had to surprise my dad since he recently got back from a long work related trip in China. Nothing special happened, I mostly spent it playing with my sister's puppy and driving. The most exciting thing was getting a tour of the Winnipeg warship since we met up with my sister's boyfriend in Vancouver. I could not imagine being in a space that small with that many people for a week, let alone his record which was 76 days. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't have my camera and I don't think they would have liked that, but google "Winnipeg Warship" and you can see some.

I hope to get through my friends page and comments/replies tomorrow, but I've given up on trying to catch up on my twitter, so if Gail Simone, Eli Roth, Bif Naked, Russell Brand, Frank Conniff, Carolyn Main, Eddie Izzard, Allie Brosh, Felicia Day, or Coelasquid said anything amazing/important since Friday let me know.

Update: Okay, so I was going to do the comments and stuff, buuut I've been playing around on the new PPK forum too much and making knish. Tomorrow I'm working but I will get around to it eventually.

official lj businezs

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