I see a sextet and I want it painted black.

Jul 13, 2010 16:07

If anybody out there knows how to determine the identity of compounds from H1 NMR data, please help me. We did the entire chapter on this yesterday and we have a midterm on it tomorrow. Not to mention I currently feel like crap, and yesterday I felt so miserable I basically passed out for the rest of the day, only waking up to drink water and mutter curses at the people doing construction upstairs. I went and saw the prof today to ask questions, but now I feel stupider then ever.
I also got back my OChem mark from last semester and now want to play real life frogger all the more (I suck at frogger). If I don't get at least a C this semester, then I'm going to just go into what I'm actually good at, writing, history, and political science. Chemistry is normally my semi-okay course, but if I'm doing this bad and feeling this miserable while doing it, there is no point. I love science, but it is like a bad lover that just when I feel like we might make it after all, gets drunk and beats my brain senseless while it pisses on my walls.
Besides, all true mad scientists are dropouts, right?

(also, yay for journal titles that make no sense)


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