Vingt † so as i pray

Nov 09, 2011 16:29

[The passing of time has made things increasingly more difficult. Ciel still performed all of her duties at the high school, at home, and at Church as always, but better than anyone else, she knows her situation. The losses, one after another, are taking their toll. The stagnancy and her returned immortality are constant reminders of being frozen in time, trapped by circumstances and unable to move. She can repeat to others to not lose hope until her voice goes sore, but it's undeniable that all this is wearing her down bit by bit. Tomoe Mami's droning is the most recent hit. A new husband has been assigned to her, the fourth one now, and she still has Misha, but in the last few months, she's seen so many she was well-acquainted with come and go.

She's worn, and this feels like a meaningless struggle. It would be so much easier if she could just go back to the point when she's given a reason again. But as long as she is still here, as long as she remembers, she has to continue pressing forward. Not just because there was no other choice, but also because... well...

This is nothing, really. He overcame it. He found his answer. She didn't remember at that time, but the day when he left was also the day her memories were returned. That answer, she already had it too, before she even began to look. To give up now... Would be rather childish. There are still things to do. Even in a twisted world where all arrive and leave without consent or warning, the reality about people won't change. Humans are beings that influence others while they get worn down and fade away themselves. Just that in this case, one isn't so fortunate as to be given the opportunity to decide when they get to exit the stage.

So it would be a waste, to stay idle when there are knots that still need to be tied. She already knew she can't dwell on what she can't change forever, even if forever is the one certainty that she possesses. It would be disgraceful too, to slack off because those who knew her best aren't there to poke her about her true nature anymore. She's not the childish one, especially not when there are airhead morons like the True Ancestor still running loose.

Mm, that's right. There's a lot to take care of. So enough lethargy already, time to get moving...!]

[It starts with something that she must set up behind the Church, by the woods around the storage shed. So that's where she stood now, with some material in hand.

Exactly one year ago, she made a contract here.

11 months ago, she died for the first time in Mayfield here.

4 months ago, the cause for both disappeared.

It doesn't really matter. Once I leave this town I'll forget all about it. They are not so kind as to let you keep memories after a summoning. Both good and bad. Well...that's something I've also just accepted.

Ah, he'd probably be happier not being remembered. But that's just because he's that kind of sarcastic and self-deprecating person. Well, she can relate. She's come to know many people here. They came to trust her and rely on her, and she honestly did wish sometimes that they'd think less of her. That's just immature complaining though, so she's not going to pursue that line of thought any further. It's simply the duty of those left behind to keep the ones who moved on in thought, because whether they like it or not, they've affected those whom they've interacted with. It's just the natural thing to do, even if he's probably going to oppose it if he knew. Those who can't be heard anymore have no say in anything however, so she'll continue as she wished.

The setup is simple. She had with her a third of the total supply of burial cloth that she's regained some time, a wooden box, and a single Black Key. Of course, that wasn't an ordinary one. Unlike the usual ones that vanish on their own after some time, this one will be forged to stay solid and last for however long as it can. The cloth is then to be tied to the handle. The symbolism may be excessively cheesy, but it's the best that she can do with what she has on hand. She doesn't know if it'll still be there if/once she leaves, but as long as she's still around, she'll make sure that it'll also be.

With the crimson fabric hanging from the hilt of the nail-like sword, she will plant it with the tip down into the ground behind the shed as if setting up a cross-shaped memorial. That done, the wooden box is to be placed in front of it. It contained the bow that belonged to Sakura Matou, who used it for archery practice and studied under Archer while the purple-haired girl was still her daughter in this town. There was no need to bury it - there is no death, nothing at all to mourn for. Just a simple makeshift altar, in the memory of a man that even time itself will refuse to recall, as well as that of a girl she sincerely wished to live happily now.

The finishing touch is to set up another bounded field around it. This area is small, so she can afford to strengthen one and imbue a disorientation spell with it. Similar to the bounded field set around the Einzbern castle, normal people should suddenly be hit by the notion that they need to be somewhere else, or the sharp idea that nothing is there. Either way, it'll repel people, which is the goal. This should escape the notice of even skilled magi; if they don't know there's anything here, they won't purposefully come out to look for it.

...Except that she's so focused on doing this right now, from both forming the field and from being lost in her own thoughts, that she'll miss anyone approaching. Not that the back of the Church is a place she'd expect anyone to come often, but her guard is down right now.]
((OOC: This prompt is semi-private in that I'd like to ask for up to two people max for tagging it, if you're interested. First come first serve, thanks o/))

[Phone ; Public, afternoon]

Goodness, November already. The temperature has really been dropping too, Winter is definitely coming. Even if it's in a place like this, please remember to dress warmly! It's during transitional seasons especially that colds are easy to catch, so don't get careless and become sick. Even if it's to skip work and school, being ill is a horrible feeling. I will start to make sure that there's always hot water available at the church, so tea and hot chocolate will be offered freely to anyone who stops by.

But with that, Thanksgiving is also approaching. There's still over two weeks of time, but odds are Mayfield will do something strange again this year. Halloween may have been different for the last three years, including the one that just passed, but as far as I know, Thanksgiving for the last two years have had the same event happening. We are all customarily locked in our respective houses upon waking up in the morning, and many turkeys will be delivered into each house. As expected of the town, some are completely harmless and can be eaten safely, while others would hold unpleasant surprises like the milk has back in August. Hmm... [The hum sounds hesitant and conflicted.] Maybe it'll be different this year, but if not, there's nothing we can do about what's going on in someone else's house... [Sigh.] Please stay vigilant!

[A beat.

And then, as if mumbling to herself:]

Ah... Is this too early?...

[w h e l p . . . 8v;]

[1. Cosplay Café. She knew about it, that Japan ran it before Taiwan took over after his droning, but never really... went there. COMPLICATIONS okay, she's been preoccupied by other things before, but taking hobby in both sewing and baking, it would indeed feel criminal to not at least check the place a few times during her stay. So yes, going to drop by after school finishes! It's Taiwan so she's expecting a lot of pink, but it must also have its own share of other employees...? Maybe she'll run into a familiar face, maybe a new one. Either way... mO_Om

2A. Church. It's sunset, and for once she's not by the usual spots, let it be sweeping outside, by the altar inside, or further in taking care of some other task. Today...

She's sitting on the roof. '_' Munching on what appears to be a bread bun so what if it's curry you judgmental jerk!!. ...You have a good view up here, alright. Everyone's entitled to a break sometimes!

2B. Church..............okay that or you walked in earlier/later and caught her doing something more normal. Refer to the aforementioned "usual spots" above, (b'_')b

3. Grocery shopping. She's also accompanied by her wise_king, who is helping her carry some of the bags. The two seem to be chatting animatedly. Merem can behave himself SOMETIMES, though by large his drone is still an insufferable little brat. Well, at least she managed by to have him agree to help her willingly, though she can't help but feel a mild pang or nostalgia mixed with strong irony. How long ago was it, when she nagged him for never helping her with groceries?

Ah well. Life goes on, etc.]

[Phone ; filtered to Shiki Tohno, evening]

[...WHELP, there goes nothing. She's hid like a coward long enough. Especially knowing he's going to be wed soon, she has no excuse to not fess up and at least offer her sincere wishes. She can just... only pray that he'll forgive her for her folly. DEEP BREATH...]


((OOC: Tags will be SNAIL slow because ow school ;; Thank you for your patience... ;A;/))

merem my sweet little boy, this is completely natural, ♪voice, you gain some you lose some, this post is 9001% tldr, one of those days, tohno-kun is somehow involved, time to find healthier coping ways, ♪action, public service announcement, she's a very busy girl

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