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[ACTION - DAY?] zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 06:17:30 UTC
[Casual wave.] Ciel-san.


expiatrice May 4 2011, 06:47:02 UTC
[Oh hey it Kakyoin whom she blinked twice at when she saw him with Jotaro at the prom.

Interesting... (thinking)]

Good morning, Kakyoin-kun. You seem well; have things been going nicely, recently?


zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 06:48:21 UTC
Better than they were last time we spoke, to be honest with you. [He shrugs.] I suppose I'll start going to the correct classes again...


expiatrice May 4 2011, 11:24:43 UTC
It does seem so. Mm, I'm glad to hear that, but if you're a good student, doing it occasionally shouldn't hurt. [Yeah she didn't say anything weird just now at all...] The prom last Friday should have helped with everyone's mood too, I think. You were there, weren't you? I don't think that I could have mistaken someone else for you...


zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 12:01:15 UTC
[He chuckles.] I make sure to get permission before I do anything outrageous.

...Ah, I thought I saw you. Did you enjoy yourself?


expiatrice May 4 2011, 13:48:21 UTC
Oh, it's not that outrageous. [^___^

Yep, she was in a suit. (b'_')b] I mostly chaperoned my assigned children and supervised the dance as one of the organizers, but yes, I did! You attended with Kujo-san, is that right? I do believe that I saw him in white.


zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 15:26:59 UTC
Didn't he look nice? [SMUG! Always smug about his attractive boyfriend, oh yes.]


expiatrice May 5 2011, 02:57:24 UTC
Very much so! He always seemed to me as someone who wouldn't put on anything too complicated unless it's comfortable, though. Hehe, was it hard to convince him to wear something formal? [SHE LOVES GOSSIP it works out... sort of...]


zeppeli_cursed May 5 2011, 03:05:33 UTC
No, he actually picked that out on his own. Surprisingly stylish for his age, isn't he?


expiatrice May 5 2011, 03:12:01 UTC
Eeh, really? I would have never guessed! It really is, though! Did you both went shopping for your suits together?


zeppeli_cursed May 5 2011, 03:17:30 UTC
No, no. He's really... Just that good to me, Ciel-san. [He sighs.] Still nosy, aren't you? Did you figure it out before that?


expiatrice May 5 2011, 06:11:59 UTC
Aah, but that doesn't answer the question! It must be fun to do things with people you like, so even if it's clothes shopping, I'm sure that it must have been nice. [Giggling a bit - yeah she could practically personify "nosy senpai"...] Hehe, to be honest, I had an idea that you were close, but not quite like that. Geez, it must be strange to be placed as his 'son' here, but what counts is that you're living together happily, right? [y e p you may overlook the fact that she's more or less fangirling...]


zeppeli_cursed May 5 2011, 06:14:20 UTC
Not so strange. He doesn't look much different from the day I died.

[He shrugs.] I might as well confess everything, right?


expiatrice May 5 2011, 07:28:44 UTC
...Ah, so you too. [She looks sympathetic, but also utterly devoid of pity.] I do appreciate knowing, since I wouldn't ask something like that to either of you, nor do I think that Kujo-san would willingly tell me, but I can understand better now what this place may mean for you. It may be a roundabout way to be reunited, but it certainly would be even more foolish to ignore a chance at happiness again just because the source that it came from is inexplicable. Is it something to that effect?


zeppeli_cursed May 5 2011, 07:33:39 UTC
More to the tune of I died to help him after he saved my life, and they decided 23 years was long enough for me to spend in the afterlife thinking about what I'd done.

Or something less dramatic. [He chuckles. running a hand through his meticulous hair.] I know we won't get a real chance at anything here, but I will make the most of it. I'm appreciative of your understanding.


expiatrice May 5 2011, 11:47:01 UTC
My... That sounds like purgatory, but for so many years... I can't even begin to imagine how it must have been like, so I won't say anything more about things beyond my understanding. Besides, it'll be rude to presume about things I don't know about.

Aah, it's fine. Even if I do admit that it sounds a little bit like something from a dramatic tragedy, stories are inspired after real events, and you do feel what you feel. To witness and be aware of such a reunion, though... It's proof that good things really can be found anywhere. I should thank you for telling me about it, Kakyoin-kun. [She seems genuinely happy, going on with a faint smile. If nothing else, she should sound at least somewhat less vapid than last time.]


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