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[Action day] (Now with less run on sentence) flameyedhunter May 4 2011, 05:42:04 UTC
[Shana doesn't really notice ciel being weird. She waves to her French teacher and tries to fake a cheerful face, like her own life isn't a traumarama right now.]


:|b expiatrice May 4 2011, 06:53:49 UTC

--I mean.

A distraught student! She'll walk closer after nodding back, looking concerned.]

Good morning, Hirai-san. ...Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it, if you don't mind me saying.


flameyedhunter May 4 2011, 21:16:47 UTC
I'll be alright I just...

[She smiles a little sadly at Ciel.]

I guess I'm having complicated teenage problems. They'd probably sound pretty stupid to a teacher like you.


expiatrice May 5 2011, 02:54:17 UTC

To which she'll lean over a bit and chuckle softly.]

Not at all. I'd be worried, actually, if you don't at least go through some problems that teenagers should have. You can learn and grow from it, after all. Would you like to talk about it? I don't have a class right now, so I have time.


flameyedhunter May 5 2011, 06:10:54 UTC
Well, there was a boy who kissed me at the prom, and I care about him a lot... but I also really care about someone at home, and... well, there are a lot of people who seem kind of mad that he kissed me.

[Best not to name names, yeah. But Ciel mighta seen Kyon put the moves on Shana, and then Shana puking on him, since she's pretty observant.]


expiatrice May 5 2011, 09:06:54 UTC
[Oh god. She's honestly tempted to gossip, but Shana obviously needed help and advice more than anything else. And yeeeep, she did catch sight of them together quite a bit during the evening, so she had a good guess.]

Okay, let's go at this one step at a time. Other people "seem" to be mad at you two for what happened? It's not exactly their business, unless they're supposed to be good friends with this boy... Can you tell me more about that?


flameyedhunter May 5 2011, 20:46:25 UTC
Well, I know that Sasaki is definitely friends with Kyon and... yeah. [She sighs.]

I really like Sasaki and I didn't know, and he kissed me! [Boy is she dealing with this well, by totally blaming the boy for everything.]


expiatrice May 6 2011, 07:00:16 UTC
Well, what he feels for you is up to him to decide. Wouldn't it be self-righteous of Sasaki-san, if she's to step in and decide how Kyon-kun should feel in his stead? He should realize this too, don't you think?


flameyedhunter May 7 2011, 21:13:20 UTC
Well, I guess he's made how he feels pretty clear. I wanted to wait until I talked to you, Yamame, and Tiffany before I made any decisions. I like being around him... and he puts up with me but...

I'm so unsure. I'm a Flame Haze, and he's a normal human.


expiatrice May 8 2011, 06:14:15 UTC
Ah, I see where you're coming from. Hm, how about thinking of it this way? Mayfield isn't your world. Your duties here can't be the same as they were back home no matter how hard you try to emulate: being here is like a whole new existence. It's a prison, but it's still a different life, and if it's a different life, then you can make different choices to live differently. Everyone adapts in their own way, and in a place where there are other people with powers watching over the safety and well-being of everyone, you can relax a bit too and do things for yourself.

Do you follow?


flameyedhunter May 8 2011, 06:35:01 UTC
I do follow, but I'm supposed to be....

all right. But don't go thinking I'm going to give up being a Flame Haze.

I'm going to help you! [Have a fiery tsun as your assistant/fangirl forever, Ciel.]


expiatrice May 8 2011, 08:22:05 UTC
Of course not. Being here doesn't change who you are, but it does force you to change your habits, so you don't have a choice but to make a few selfish decisions from time to time. That's normal though, so don't agonize yourself over it.

[She chuckles quietly.] Of course, I wouldn't dream of turning you down, Hirai-san.


flameyedhunter May 9 2011, 05:00:06 UTC
Mmm. Well, thanks for your help. I think I know what I'm going to do, now.


expiatrice May 9 2011, 05:14:41 UTC
Oh? May I ask, if that's okay? I swear to keep it secret of course, if you'd like. ♪


flameyedhunter May 9 2011, 05:17:54 UTC
I'll just stay with Kyon and make him pay for all my food.

[Evil Shana go.]

We'll figure out the rest later.


expiatrice May 9 2011, 05:34:13 UTC
[Chibi Akiha...

Yeah she'll just laugh cheerfully at that.]

It's a good start as any! Good luck, Hirai-san. It's okay to pick on the ones you like, but don't overdo it, now. [Yeah best parental figure y/y...]


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