Jun 12, 2007 22:45
I know I don't update thing very offten or at all and if I do things are either super good are very bad in my life. Well today is different. This will probably turn into a rant some point in time... Deal with it.
I am neither going through a great time in life or going through a rather difficult part. Rather I'm going through a season of change. I'm changing my out look on life and changing things in it as well. I'm changing my thinking and how I'm going about things and most of all I'm changing my degree for college now.
I'm switching to a Computer Science degree so I can finish out at a 4 year school and attempt to become a technical ministry pastor or do something inside of the technical ministry department at my church in Puyallup. I have always loved working behind the scene never really being noticed but being a valuable member of worship. I don't have a voice to sing or the talent to play an instrument like my brother can. So I am happy to work as a sound engineer and lighting technition. I love setting up and tearing down the stage before and after each show. I know that I'll always be one of the few people to come in four to five hours before a service or show and leave one or two hours after the service or show and like it. I love being a tool for Christ and learning how to do video editing and learning how to do video compiling as well. If God alows me to get hired on at Puyallup Four Square or at some other church its fine for me.
I may not like using a Mac but I know see the point in using it. I will always try and use a PC to do work but will learn to use Mac when it will be easier for me to do all sorts of work in Pro Tools and Final Cut. Those of you who know me and know my prefrence on computers know that I'm a die hard PC user, but I no longer see Mac as the enemy but rather a tool that can be used with great skill. Even though right now I lack the skill to use it to great efficensy.
Summer quarter starts on June 25th I believe and I'm taking 10 credits or two classes to meet the full time student requirements for the GI Bill. Fall I'll be taking 15 credits or 3 class to continue to recieve the GI Bill. Hey $1500 is $1500! Its free money as long as I carry a 2.0 and continue to check in and report that I am attending classes for a full three years of school. English 101 and Pre-Calc 1 is what I'm going to be taking to get the basic stuff out of my way for my AAS in Computer Science.
Oh, I freely admit to being adicted to World of Warcraft. You are free to flame me for that. All I'm going to say in my defense is I don't play it as much as my brother who I got adicted to the game. At the time it was a way to keep him from going out and spending $100 on a bar tab a night. Now we both spend about $40 a month to play a game... Yeah, I know its the #1 reason for college age drop outs. I'm not going to be a statistic for dropping out.
I'm reconciling my past and moving forward. So far looking good, started to talk to someone that I never would have thought would talk to me after everything that we went through. All I have to say is God is truely amazing.
Today Andrews talk was amazing and really touched my heart. Oh for those who don't know Andrew is my pastor at Puyallup Four Square for Young Adults ministry known as 412. 412 is a refrence to 1 Timothy 4:12, good passage. You all should swing by for Tuesday night worship. He doesn't really preach, he instead talks about a passage and trys to stay away from calling it preaching or giving a sermon. I like it, its different from what I grew up on. He's really a chill guy and very available to get to know. We meet at P4Square on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM for service and it run till about 8:30 PM at night. I know for the vast majority of you it would be a long drive just to visit but swing by once just to check it out. We're a small group of young adults, about 125~150 a night show up to worship. If any of you ever decide to come out everyone is welcome to attend. There are a few married couples who attend and and we do provide child care for those who have kids and would like to bring them.
Well I think I'm done ranting now... More like typing about nothing and everything all at once. Yeah, I'm done. Later and God Bless