
Jan 04, 2009 03:15

A scene between Sasuke and Naruto at school.

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tracking_ravens January 5 2009, 00:53:14 UTC
The night before didn’t go exactly the way Sasuke had planned it. In fact, it was nothing but a depressing let down when he came close enough to distinguish one random guy’s face from his brother’s. He thought for sure that it was his older brother from the backside view, and it was a good thing he took the time to be sure of it before taking the actions that his mind was screaming; otherwise there would have been a report of a deceased random man in the news this morning. It could have been that he was becoming so desperate to see such a sight that his mind was beginning to play tricks on him. To feel as if he were so close to ending this hell, only to learn it was a false alarm and he was back where he started was a crushing blow that put the younger Uchiha in a mood that was even more loathsome than usual. By no means was he going to tolerate the jabbering group of girls today, but no matter how many times he snapped at them, called them annoying, ignored them, and even treated them as if they were no better than the dirt he walked on, they weren’t going anywhere. If he was going to remain sane and refrain from seriously injuring one of them, he had to ditch them and free himself of their annoyances; this being why Sasuke now found himself comfortably positioned in a Sakura tree.

Shifting half lidded hues over, Sasuke watched with an un-amused, almost bored expression as the cluster of girls passed by, chattering and calling his name as if they were asking for a pet to come back. T’ch. He never imagined that any one person could be so annoying until he enrolled in school, and began to deal with that every day. For the most part, he could always ignore them, but in the mood he was in today, it wasn’t going to happen.

Sasuke opened his eyes partially and moved his vision down, thinking that the soft footsteps coming his way meant that they found him; wrong again. This guy, Sasuke stayed perfectly still, keeping his hand casually over his knee until it eased up to his shirt pocket and quietly revealed a small piece of paper.

It didn’t take long for Sasuke to neatly scribble a quick note down and crumble the paper up in his hand, just slowly enough to not make the action loud enough for Naruto to notice. Extending his arm, Sasuke carelessly let the ball drop to be at the mercy of gravity, at least until it landed onto the messy blonde mane and rolled to the book the other was reading. Sasuke patiently waited to see the other’s reaction, whether he would look up, or take the time to read the note that had contained Idiot. Either way, it was sure to draw out a rewarding response, which was strange in itself, since it was almost a craving of Sasuke’s.


swirlyfish_cake January 5 2009, 01:16:46 UTC
Naruto had wondered about the prickling against his neck, but he'd written it off as chills from the wind.

The gaggled of girls that had passed by calling "Sasuke-kun!!!" in loud shrill voices had made him break his penicl, but luckily they'd passed.

When the piece of paper landed on his book, he furrowed his brow, leaning back and looking up from the book, out across the grounds.

The girls had all passed, and no one else was visible.

He flattened the piece of paper and stared in awe and slight annoyance at the word scribbled on the piece of paper. Idiot.

"Teme," he growled, but oddly enough, he was trying to fight back a smile. It seemed silly, but the insult was appreciated. It showed that the bastard was acknowledging him, even if he was being a bastard about it.

"Oi! Come on out, teme. I know you're there. Or are you scared?" he teased, grinning and leaning against the trunk of the tree again.


tracking_ravens January 5 2009, 07:51:00 UTC
”Hmph,” The snide remark escaped from him as he tilted his head back in a sense of superiority and closed his eyes, sporting the smallest of grins on his handsome face. He was expecting some kind of response close to that, which made the action all too worth his while, even if it was watered down; at least the loser wasn’t shouting at the top of his lungs and waving his arms around senselessly, much like he was doing back at the shop when they had their first encounter. This way, Naruto didn’t draw attention this way, and no crowd of squealing idiots would spot him and senselessly rush his way. However, there was still plenty of time to pull that kind of reaction from Naruto before the hour was over, he only had to tug at the right strings, and even within the short time frame he was around this idiot, Sasuke already knew just how to go about doing that. Naruto was almost too predictable, Sasuke added to his thoughts as he leaned forward and began to slide down from the tree; landing skillfully light beside the blonde he eased himself to take a seat and turned his head away, hiding the disapproving look that came over his usual impassiveness. Dark irises gently traveled to the corner of his eyes to look at Naruto from the peripheries as he began to question himself on his own strange actions. It was so odd; him making a move to talk to someone and not the other way around; just now, it was as if his body moved on its own accord down from the tree. What made this even more confusing is that his body did that, just to be beside this loser? Sasuke had to question if there was something wrong with him, or if it was something that Naruto had done to him. For whatever reason, though he wouldn’t admit it, and despite how much of an annoying idiot this guy was, he was starting to enjoy being around him. No one had ever treated him the way the loser did, fighting with him only to act as the best of friends, and he could sense it wasn’t a façade; Naruto’s stance gave it away all to easily that he was comfortable around him. Not only this, but those haunting thoughts of Itachi that he couldn’t shake for even a second for eleven years just faded from his mind by the distraction Naruto brought. Sasuke still couldn’t determine if it was supposed to be a good thing, but he knew it damn sure felt good.

“How many times are you going to write the same wrong answer down on your paper, dumbass?” He snickered cockily while finally turning his head towards the boy, tossing a fairly used, intact pencil on top of the book and ignoring that comment about being scared. Honestly, no one would be scared of the school’s biggest loser. “??” Sasuke quirked a brow at the weird markings in silent question, and after a moment he had to know why Naruto wanted to make his usuratonkachi status so obvious. “Oi..” He muttered, furrowing his brows. “What’s with the loser marks?"


swirlyfish_cake January 5 2009, 07:56:34 UTC
Naruto glared at the bastard from the corner of his eye, before picking up the pencil that was perfectly intact and beginning to vigorously erase the answers on his sheet of math homework.

"I'm not good at math," he snapped, pouting somewhat. "I'd like to see you do better."

He raised his head, furrowing his own eyebrows, which led to him wincing, which led to him being proud of himself, even though he was in pain. Ah, the reminder of his accomplishments.

"What are you talking about, teme?" he asked, giving the bastard a confused and mildly annoyed look, before going back to his work.


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