Another Crack Rp

Nov 17, 2008 22:14

After a long day of work filled with the oh-so-exciting papers, conferences, and brief sparring sessions, a little relaxation was screaming to be found through the Kage's tensed muscles. Especially in the shoulders he noted while gingerly rubbing the left side.  Maybe his twin would allow a little peace his way. At this time he was usually dumped ( Read more... )

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expertofthesand November 27 2008, 04:30:47 UTC
Perhaps this will not be so bad, maybe not to the extent he was thinking. The older Kage contemplated on it as the other adjusted himself in his tub, one hand at gentle work of messaging the eyes engulfed in black (a sign of frustration Gaara rarely showed to anyone). They were both the same were they not? It's just as one were taking a bath with themselves, so there was no need to worry of one seeing him absent of clothing (even though the sight was saved for one alone). Did it count?

The more his counterparts words reached his clouded mind continuously, without stop, Gaara pursed his lips into a thin line, holding back his retorts and swallowing his groan of irritance at contact. He would relax, one way or another. The icy glare settled on the other as Gaara's hand searched for the cloth. "That's nice," Gaara went on smoothly, before turning turning halfway in the tub. Where was it? Just as he were about to voice his discontentment the cloth barely brushed over his fingers under the bubble's surface. Lifting it up, Gaara closed his eyes and handed the cloth back. "Not too hard," He bellowed levelly while facing his back towards the younger.


setsunakutemo November 27 2008, 04:48:38 UTC
Still utterly oblivious to the other Kage's agitation, Gaara continued on his whimsical talking, also oblivious that his counterpart wasn't even remotely paying him the slightest bit of attention. The smaller redhead wiggled his toes under the water, still not noticing that he was being ignored as he continued to talk; telling his counterpart of some of the few amusing stories of 'bath time' he and Itachi had.

When he was finally spoken to, the pale gaze lifted to the look-alike holding a small cloth out to him. Instantly the lithe Kazekage was reminded of another story as he reached out and pulled the wash cloth from the other. Gaara shifted closer to the other redhead's back as he dipped the cloth into the water before lifting it up and running it gently across the other's shoulder's and down his pale back. "Itachi does this for you too?"


expertofthesand December 1 2008, 05:05:17 UTC
The hallways fell outlandishly silent, Itachi noted as he walked down them. It was like an uneasy silence hung over him acting as a storm cloud. He was so accustomed to having a little red-head clinging to his narrow waist around this time. The fact that it was not so tonight brought some distress to the usually composed being. Not to mention stir up more evidence of his fond attachment to another, he mentally added after momentary pause. The eye war with the rug waged for a long second, before Itachi finally tore his line of vision away, now focusing intense dark eyes on the cracked door upon picking up the faintest of words from a very familar voice. He blinked tiredly in contemplation before turning his head in the that direction. He knew very well what throat produced that voice. "Gaara.." A deep and deceptively gentle voice uttered in a whisper as if to question himself as he moved inside the room.

Instantly his eyes shot to the bathroom door where the incoherent voices were coming from. 'So, they're bathing together..' A tiny smile lifted the corner of his lips as he gently leaned back to quietly close the door to the room and moved forward. Crouching, Itachi placed his ear as close as he could against the door and looked down with a serious expression, attempting to make out the words in which the two were saying.


setsunakutemo December 1 2008, 05:43:17 UTC
It had become long since customary for Itachi to occasionally help out around the tower. Whenever it was deemed dangerous to approach the Kazekage, for example, the Uchiha was called upon and pleaded with to reason with him, calm him, or sometimes deliver documents to him. While all these things were troublesome, he did not find himself rejecting often(especially since it gave him legitimate reasons to disturb the young Kage). There were also occasions that Itachi actually hung around the council purposefully so that he would be seen and called in for assistance. This would be one of those times.

With a rather useless document that could honestly have waited a few days before being attended tucked under his arm, Itachi headed down the hallway in search of the younger male. He hadn't been in the office, so the Uchiha was heading for his room(the document would surely be forgotten). As he approached the door, vermilion eyes caught sight of an odd happening. What was the countering Itachi doing..? The other had slipped into the room and closed the door behind him, causing his brows to draw down. Surely his counterpart knew that he was venturing into the wrong room. With a low growl deep in his throat, Itachi planned to make sure the other knew this as he moved without hesitation or pausing and entered the room.

Greeted with the very odd sight of the other Itachi pressing against the door that led to the Kazekage's bathroom, the sounds didn't even reach the Uchiha as he only concentrated on the other dark haired male. "What are you doing?" he asked in a low, clipped tone.


expertofthesand December 1 2008, 06:50:21 UTC
Itachi kept perfectly still in slight amazement of this. Two males identical to one another were taking baths together. Granted would be occasionally forced to do the same with his lover, but this brought far more amusement(though he could almost shudder at the same occurrence for him and his counterpart, almost). This was actually, in it's own way kawaii of his Gaara. Itachi drawled, smirking at such a thought. Back in their dimension, Gaara didn't seek any other besides him for company. Since the accident that misplaced them here it was as if Gaara saw his identical as an older sibling and took on the role of a younger one. Itachi thought on it as he leaned from the door with a faint smile. At least he's content with this.

Just as the Uchiha were close to making his stand did something catch his attention, screamed for him to look at the door. He furrowed his brows and watched in question. Soon enough a face carved to beautiful perfection just like his own entered looking non-to-pleased instantly. The sight would've caused the shinobi to frown himself for the fact that his Gaara was close by and exposed as well, though he was a ninja of impassiveness and did remain so. There was no doubt that his counterpart was upset about him being his Gaara's room. However, being that his Gaara was close by, this Uchiha would not stay either. As if nothing were wrong Itachi stood to his full height calmly and looked dead on into the other's eyes with equal intensity, ready to initiate the appropriate shade of crimson at any given second. His voice fell dangerously low as he continued this seemingly serene battle of the eyes. "If you do not intend to back up your tone, I suggest you fall silent."


setsunakutemo December 1 2008, 07:06:56 UTC
With a perfectly trained gaze relentlessly holding his counterpart, Itachi watched with eagle-like attention as the other rose to the exact same height; his features falling into the exact same expression. As if all of this was not nearly enough, the other Uchiha's tone became that of the same as well as he growled out his challenge.

Through the silence he endured while waiting for the other to respond, Itachi heard the distinguished voice of the Kazekage. The fact that the both of their tones were present went ignored as the Uchiha only chose to hear the voice belonging to his redhead; something that fueled his anger further in an instant. The two shinobi locked vermilion hued gazes for long moments until Itachi had calmed himself enough to respond. "I need not any tone to deal with you," he replied in warning before suddenly snapping his arm forward. It was the arm containing the folder that was meant for the Kazekage's approval. Papers and documents scattered all about in the space between them, fluttering around Itachi's counterpart before the Uchiha lunged forward and reached out to grip the mirror image's shoulders. Catching the broad shoulders in an iron grip, he pushed his counterpart back forcefully into the door he had just been leaning against, ignoring the sounds of wood crackling.


expertofthesand December 1 2008, 07:48:05 UTC
"..." A pair of dark-crimson eyes burned flames into the other Uchiha's face when sudden movement was initiated, and judging by the papers fluttering around the room, his counterpart knew when a challenge was spoken. The other's face was hidden occassionally from the mess of documents, however, it was nothing for the Uchiha to keep passive and follow perfectly the movements being made of his opponent. He slowly turned moreso towards the other and waited in stillness up until the last second of this surprising leap. Only then did arms, equal in length to his counterparts, spring to life. Clamping down with an iron grip on broad shoulders as he went back against the door with the added weight. Itachi growled fiercely, his equally crimson orbs burning black holes into the other Itachi’s eyes. Giving way rapidly, an inferno of rage contorted his handsome face as he twisted his body against the other, quickly switching the positions roughly against the abused door; which resounded further crackling noises from the second lash of slamming weight. Through the loud noise the door gave way and broke into, leaving both the Uchiha to stumble inside the bathroom. Even then Itachi continued this with a sudden lunge, slamming them both into one of the walls.


setsunakutemo December 7 2008, 04:48:04 UTC
Itachi scarcely even flinched as he suddenly found himself slammed into the door. It was almost as if he had honestly expected such a move. Which at this point wouldn't have been terribly odd, considering the fact that they were an exact reflection of the other. The only difference that seemed to separate them was their preference in the way their partners behaved. The only thing he hadn't calculated was the door behind him giving way so easily. Dark brows twitched and his scarlet eyes widened just slightly as the both of the Uchiha's were suddenly trampling through the Kazekages' bathroom before slamming into the nearest wall. For the moment Itachi was only focused on his counterpart and tightened his fists in the material covering the other's shoulders before pushing forward with all his might to once again re-reverse their positions; shoving the other Itachi's back into the wall now.


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