(no subject)

Sep 29, 2008 16:11

Well, I can't deny it; I've found a better Gaara than my own (with the exception of fighting as him). We'll work on that if she wants it though. This is a short roleplay between Itachi and Gaara over aim. But! The roles are switched. It starts out as just playing around and gets serious as it usually does xDD
♥Whitney -- Sabaku no Gaara♥
Me -- Uchiha Itachi

Gaara:  "HAH, you lose.  Now GTFO." D<

Itachi:: Rubs his eye. "No." D<

Gaara:  "What! You want some more!?" Dx

Itachi:: Keeps rubbing.  "....."

Gaara:  "S'what I thought."

Itachi:: "You thought nothing."

Gaara:  "I was thinking you'd be a bitch." >__>.

Itachi:: "You are a bitch."

Gaara:  Narrows his eyes on Itachi.  "At least I do not behave as one."

Itachi:: Small smirk. Quirks one brow. "So you think."

Gaara:  Crosses his arms.  "And you would know?"

Itachi:: "I'm around you enough to know such."

Gaara:  "I hardly see such a claim to be anywhere near being true."

Itachi:: Frown "..I see. Then allow me to make yours a correct claim." Moves to leave.

Gaara:  Remains perfectly still but shifts his gaze out the window again.  "Go then.  Run."

Itachi:: Stops at the door and opens it slightly, keeping his back to Gaara. "From you?" Pauses for a moment. "Who would not when only being driven to madness in your presence."

Gaara:  Clenches his jaw, but doesn't do anything to show that Itachi's words drove home and hard.  "I suppose when one cannot handle such a being; the only possible and wise course of action is to simply run away.."

Itachi:: By now Gaara should've known the things to say and to not. These insults were a mere distraction to have him linger here foolishly for further insults. If the case were true, Gaara failed in the attempt "You are handled, but in moderate doses. If this displeases you, perhaps it is you that should initiate this "running away." Having all that he could possibly say to Gaara he steps into the hall way and closes the door behind him, heading outside.

Gaara:  Itachi was more than capable of easily tearing someone down with his words.  And to know him on a personal level such as this only seemed to give him more ammunition with which to fire his maddening rounds.  But from Itachi, Gaara had learned to guard his hurt more efficiently than he had previously known.  With a low hissing sound, the redhead's body dispersed and reformed in a small whirlwind of sand in front of the Uchiha.  He would not have the last word such as that.  "I do not need to initiate such a thing because I am no coward to turn my back on such things."

Itachi:: Itachi stopped his progression down the vast hallway just in time for the red-head to make a dramatic appearance before him; obviously displeased. Having dealt with the temper on occasions before it was to no surpise that he was now impassively staring the sight down. And the words were equally amusing, though he wouldn't let it show and held his placid composure. He didn't dare blink, and for now, dark pools resided in Gaara's gaze without fault. "It is not cowardly to wish not to be in your presence, Gaara. To not accept the decision is what proves you to be a coward. Your temper is merely displaying to me how infantile you can become when not having your way."

Gaara:  That was something that was a bit harder to hide.  Pain no doubt flashed across brilliant aqua pools as Gaara lowered his gaze away from the other's face; finding that he couldn't bare looking in his direction either and shifted the gaze off to the side.  No matter how far his past was behind him, this was an all too painful reminder of just what he really was; an undesirable monster.  As the Kazekage initially feared from the very beginning, the Uchiha had discovered this for himself now and wished to rid himself of the burdon.  If this male had been another, he probably would've reverted to the psycho social ways of his past, but the jinchuuriki was much too wounded to even think of such a thing.  Without another word, Gaara pushed past the taller male none too gently before reaching the confines of his office; his safety.  In one swift movement the door opened and was slammed shut, sealing the Kazekage inside and away from the other.

Itachi:: The older male narrowed his eyes slightly at the results of his words to Gaara. The other's refusal to continue a look in his direction sent a painful bolt through him, rupturing the solid composure if only slightly. Itachi complied and moved himself at Gaara's push, turning his head to follow the red-heads retreat into the office. He stood there long after the door slammed shut to conceal his male inside, turning his head to floor after having long enough of the staring match with the wooden frame. Even he could see that his words were too drastic for one that needed assurance of his worth. Was this not the duty of a lover? Closing his eyes Itachi willed his legs to continue down the hall, still managing to keep his collected stride.

Being that Gaara did retreat to his office it was only a matter of moments before a dark bird landed to perch itself at the window seal before daring further to make an entrance through the opened area; dropping carefully a small chocolate piece atop the parchements of documents. Quickly ruffing it's feathers the bird took flight and made an escape afterwards. Itachi watched below with an impassive gaze before turning halfway, and it took a moment but he finally continued on down the streets of Suna to carry out his own actions of the day. Perhaps he was a coward (not  willing to do such a thing in person and face the foreign bite of awkwardness -- though he had attempted) Afterall, white-day was never before deemed necessary of acknowledgement by him; and for now, he couldn't find the right words to give his lover of his worth. That or he wouldn't allow himself. In time perhaps that too would change.

Gaara:  Pain.  He remembered its sting from when he was young; too young to fully understand what it was.  He had battled it by daring others to cross his path and simply destroyed them should they be foolish enough to get in his way.  Live for only yourself, his mind chanted, Love only yourself.  The Kazekage pressed his back against the door, not having moved since he'd separated himself from the other male.  A small hand curled into a fist before pounding uselessly against the door behind him.  How infuriating it was; Itachi made him want to wrap sand around his throat until he stopped breathing at times.  Just as the thought passed, out of place movement caught his sharp eye, calling his attention to it.  A raven.  Not a native bird of the desert.  Itachi's.  Now what.  The redhead growled to himself, moving to shoo the creature away but it instead flew around him to land on his desk.  Gaara frowned as he narrowed his eyes on the bird, preparing to crush it with an angry limb of sand until it seemed to sense his hostility towards it and quickly fluttered away as quietly as it had come.  With a small huff to try and forget the few moments ago, the redhead moved back to his desk and sat heavily before taking notice to the foreign object that had not been there when he'd left.  Crystalline blue eyes blinked a bit slowly as he stared at it, as if amazed by the thing before reaching down and gingerly curling slender fingers around it.  Itachi's.  With another small sigh, the Kazekage fell back into his chair, carefully keeping a delicate grip on his gift.  Infuriating indeed, Gaara thought to himself, the slightest of smiles curling the corners of his mouth

omfg! so CUTE!! that gaara is xDD;; ♥

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