What boredom can lead to.

Aug 20, 2008 21:13

1.) Had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

2.) What did you do today?
Woke up, Got into a heated conflict.

3.) Spell your name how it sounds.
R. E. L.

4.) List one word to describe your personality.

5.) What are your top 3 Turn Ons on the opposite sex?

6.) Where do you see yourself in 7 years?
Out of college with a good job.

7.) What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
My ring.

8.) What do you hate most about N?
I try not to discriminate against letters of the alphabet.

9.) What kind of car is your dream car?
Sadly I'm not big on cars.

10.) What are your 2 favorite stores to shop at?
Gap and Spencers XD

11.) What do you miss most about being a kid?
Nap time.
I should have taken it while they told me too...

12.)  What is your favorite animal?
Dogs, BIG dogs!

13.) Do you think your going to have a good Valentines Day?
If it's going to be with the person I'm currently involved with; most definitely.

14.) Apple, Orange, Cranberry juice?
How about, none of the above.

15.) Do you get enough sleep at night?

16.) Favorite Channel on T.V.
Comedy Central.

17.)Are you dating the person you text most?
Don't text.

18.) Whats your favorite color[s]?
Red and black.

19.) What do you want?
A challenge.

20.) Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
Whitney ♥

21.) Do you talk to yourself?
When I'm zoning out sometimes.

22.) Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
I don't like milk.

23.) Who knows a dark secret or two about you?
If they knew, it wouldn't be a secret. So nobody.

24.) Do you like Batman?
::Shrug:: He's allright I guess.

25.) Who did you last hug?
My Dad.

26.) Do you swear at your parent(s)?
Only when joking around. It's the only way to get away with it xD

27.) Do you like anyone now?
I love them.

28.) When was the last time you lied?
Can't remember.

29.) Obama, Hillary, McCain, or Huckabee?
Let's not go there.

30.) What instant messaging service do you use?
Aim + Msn.

31.) What's the last thing you cooked today.
I.. can't cook .__.

32.) Did you have a nap today?
NO! And I was pissed because I didn't.

33.) Whose house did you go to last?

34.) What are you currently listening to?
Mindless self indulgence -- Shut me up.

35.) Why is the sky blue?
Rayleigh scattering.

36.) Do you like green beans?
There's nothing wrong with them.

37.) Do you swear a lot?
It all depends on the moment I guess

38.) Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?

39.)Have any regrets?
I was under the impression that everyone did.

40.) Do you use an alarm clock?

41.) What would you like to see right now?
>_> Someone...

42.) Are you social?
If I wanted to be.

43.) Are you afraid of the dark?
Yeah, I liked that show too.

44.) Do you miss someone today?
When she's gone, yes.

45.) Are you happy with your life?
Couldn't be happier.

46.) Last person you told your problems to?

47.) What are you doing tonight?
Talking on the internet some more, then going to bed

48.) Do you believe the number 6 is the number of death?
I believe that the number six is exactly what it is, a number.

49.) What are your plans for the weekend?
I try not to make plans. Time escapes me.

50.) Tag five people and rate the quiz?
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