Apr 05, 2008 01:07
London is still amazing. Having fun going out and meeting random people. Saw some old school people yesterday which I loved because it was like haha I'm more fabulous than you. So that cheered me up to no end.
Okay, Torchwood officially broke my heart tonight. I didn't cry or anything but it was an amazing episode. Afterwards, I just kind of walked around in a daze. I knew they were going to kill off Tosh and Owen but I so wasn't ready for that. When Tosh whispers '...because you're breaking my heart'. Oh dear god. Not too sure if I'm going to watch series three though, from what I've been hearing Martha and Mickey are coming from Doctor Who to replace Owen and Tosh. Martha is made of win but I never really liked Mickey and I hate Gwen so...but who knows. I'm still holding out for some timey wimey wibbley wobbley reason to bring Tosh back. Either that or they could clone her from her blood sample.
Oh I found out something big today about a friend. Seriously some people are just naturally vindictive and mean. It was a shock but I'm over it but there is going to be ramification, I can tell you. But enough of that. Doctor Who tomorrow, gee! Gonna settle down with a glass of wine then help Graham Norton find a Nancy (snigger) then I'm off hitting London town again. =D
doctor who,