Dec 10, 2007 15:09
I should be revising for an in-class test but instead I'm listening to music, facebooking and typing this. Exciting stuff. In a much better mood than last entry. Went to Canal Street on Saturday which was pretty awesome. It was just one of those great nights where nothing really goes wrong and everyone has an amazing time. Well except for the guy who kept trying to get off with me. Seriously if you gonna attempt to get off with someone you don't just open your mouth and stand there. I swear the guy had no tongue either. Jesus. Oh well. I woke up yesterday hungover, ordered pizza and curled up with The Golden Girls all day. Fun stuff.
Okay this is the point where I'm gonna go a bit fansquealish. So yeah any doctor who fans who don't wanna be spoiled stop
Rose! I cannot wait for her to come back. It is going to be so great. Episode 11 looks so great with Rose appearing in flashes of light and Donna getting run over. The Racnoss ship returning! Something on Donna's back? Where is the doctor!? Everyone evacuated from the south of the UK? Cannot wait! What I want to happen is for the big bad to get defeated and then the doctor and rose go off travelling until she dies and then he comes back and we can forget about her without him being emo every episode about her. But that isn't going to happen. Even RTD isn't that fanboyish. Weeee!
doctor who,
canal street