Feb 07, 2007 16:44
Twas the masquerade ball last night at the LGBT. It was a dismal affair but helped by alcohol. Next week it's the big PRIDE event at The Sugarhouse. £9 to see Rhona Cameron? Nah I'm alright thanks. On the upside, Manchester is the weekend after that so should even things out.
Got my house for second year, contracts signed, deposits paid etc. Went to show Lewis the house, as he hadn't seen it before. We realise then that we will be living around the corner from an Estate. Now, having been brought up on an Estate I try not to pass judgements. Then the chav on the bike went passed. We're living near chavs! It is going to be an interesting 2nd year. I can see us taking refuse in the house next door with the old people.
I think I'm going to jazz up my journal, I did so with my myspace so might as well. Besides I'm avoiding doing my Creative Writing work. Poems, poems, poems! I cannot take it.