(no subject)

Dec 04, 2003 20:50

i ate four krispy creme donuts in fourth hour today.never agian,never agian.

this week went by super fast.

everyone should go see "radio" this weekend.

new brand new video=hotness.

im gonna be 15 next month.whoah.

>[ series 1 - you ]
>Name : whitney
>Birthday : jan 31
>Birthplace : southfield,mi
>Current Location : redford,mi
>Eye Color : greenish.
>Hair Color : brown with a few highlights.
>Righty or Lefty : right

>[ series 2 - your favorite ]
>Music : emo,emo core,hard core,indie,punk.
>Cartoon : idk.
>Color : black.
>Snowcone Flavor : cherry probly.
>Magazine : cosmogirl.
>TV Show : the oc.
>Song at the Moment: ima robot-dynamite.
>Spice Girl : ..stupid sluts.
>Food & Beverage : sushi,mashpotatoes. oj and milk.
>Subject in School : algerba cause its eaasssssy.
>Weekend Activity : hanging out or sleeeeeping
>Ice Cream Flavor : vanilla.
>Roller Coaster : the raptor.

>[ series 3 - what is... ]
>Your most overused phrase : YA HOE! (HAHAHA lindsay & ashley<3)
>The Best Name for a Butler : james.
>The wussiest sport : soccer.
>Your best feature : my hair? wait yuck i hate it..umm...maybe my eyes? yeah i dont know i dont like much about me.
>Your bedtime: weekday: 10ish,weekend: 12ish.
>Your greatest accomplishment : getting a A in math..whoah....i know.
>Your most missed memory: my uncle joe.<3

>[ series 4 - you prefer ]
>-- Pepsi or coke : coke.
>McDonald's or Burger King : BK!
>Single or group dates : at first group..but then as the relationship goes on ..single
>Adidas or Nike : both suck balls.
>Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: finggeerrss.
>Dogs or cats : dogs..all cats should die die die.
>Rugrats or Doug : both are boaring.
>Single or taken : taken. :]
>Monica or Brandy : ill pass.
>Tupac or Jay-Z : one more time.
>Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : mmm both.
>One pillow or two : 2 pillows..1 body pillow.
>Chocolate or vanilla : VANILLA!
>Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : ..i thought they were the same thing...
>Cappucino or coffee : niether.
>Boxers or briefs : boxers

>[ series 5 - do you ]
>Take a shower everyday? : yes.
>Have a(any) crush(es)? : mmhmm.
>Do you think you've been in love? : i am right now. :]
>Want to go to college? : yeah probly.
>Like high school? : its wayyy better then middle school.
>Want to get married : yess.
>Type with your fingers on the right keys? : mostly.
>Believe in yourself? not really.
>Have any piercings/where?: one in each ear..
>Get motion sickness? : not really
>Think you're a health freak? : haha noo.
>Get along with your parents? : not really.
>Like thunderstorms? : yes unless there gonna hurt people.

>[ series 6 - the future ]
>Age you hope to be married : 24.
>Number and Names of Children : eh idk..but i like the names..cameran,julie-anna and rury.
>Where do you see yourself at age 20? : with someone i love and working with disabled kids.
>Descibe your Dream Wedding : big wedding..dark red roses..good music..mine and his friends & family.
>How do you want to die? : happy.
>What do you want to be when you grow up? : i want to work with disabled kids. (phyiscally)
>What country would you most like to visit? : austraila.

>[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
>Best eye color? : idk.
>Best hair color? : idk.
>Short or long hair? in between.
>Best height? : taller then me.
>Best articles of clothing? : hatsss.
>Best first date location? : ..idk.
>Best first kiss location? : laying on the grass ;D haha
>What facial feature do you find the most attractive? eyes and eyelashes.

>[ series 8 - other ]
>When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: a few days ago.
>How many rings until you answer the phone?: two or three.
>What's on your mouse pad?: federal credit union crap.
>How many houses have you lived in? : 1
>How many schools have you gone to? : 1
>What color is your bedroom carpet? : idk..its burber.
>Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars?: no.
>If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things (not people) with you what would you take? cell phone,computer,taco bell.

>First grade teacher's name : ms. bierd.
>Last word you said : werd.
>Last song you sang : at your funeral-std
>What's in your cd player? : anti-flag.
>What color socks are you wearing? : blue.
>What's under your bed? : paper..yearbooks..notebooks..shoe boxes.
>What time did you wake up at today? : 6:28 :(

>Where do you want to go? : away from here.
>What is your career going to be?: working with physically disabled kids.
>Where are you going to live? : i dont know..
>How many kids do you want? : 1 or 2
>What kind of car will you have?: honda.

>Current mood: hungry.
>Current music: something corporate.<33
>Current taste: whip cream.
>Current hair: up but falling down.
>Current clothes: jeans,wakefield tshirt and roxy hoodie.
>Current annoyance: kazaa
>Current smell: my cliniqe happy lotion.
>Current longing: sleep.
>Current desktop picture: hot hot heat.<3
>Current favorite artist: too many to just pick one.
>Current color of toenails: pink.
>Current crush: mmhmm.
>Current hate: my mom.
>story behind your username: i got it from a friend cause she didnt have a code to give me..so yeah i got stuck with it.
>current favorite article of clothing: the red ae shirt i barrowed from emily today.
>favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes & eyelashes.
>last cd that you bought: green day.
>last song downloaded: milkshake! hahah
>time you wake up in the morning: useally 6:30ish.
>if you could play any instrument, what would it be: piano or gutiar.
>do you believe in an afterlife? : noo.bullcrap.
>how tall are you? 5'2 :( im super short.
>current favorite word : penis.
>favorite book(s): the perks of being a wallflower.
>favorite season: spring and summer.
>favorite day: friday.


Do you like anyone?: yeah.
Do they live near you?: kinda yeah.
Have you ever been in love before?: nope.
Age aint nothin but a number?: negitive.
Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first site? Honestly?: nope.
Do you believe in "everything happens for a reason.. It happens whether you want it to or not"?: nope.

|* have you ever? *|

* flown on a plane: yeah
* missed school because it was raining: lol no.
* told a guy that you liked them?: not really.
* put a body part on fire for amusement: haha no.
* had a crush on a friends boyfriend: yes.
* dated someone for over a year: nope.
* been hurt emotionally: yesss.
* kept a secret from everyone: mmhmm.
* wanted to hook up with a friend: ugh yeah.
* cried during a movie?: all the time.
* gotten into a physical fight?: yep.
* been on stage: yeah.
* cut your hair: ...yeah :/
* ditched a class: hah yup.
* failed a class: yeah.

|* friends and life *|

* do you ever wish you had another name? yess.
* do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? yup.
* do you love anyone? ...
* which one of your friends acts the most like you? emily probly.
* who's the loudest: ashley
* who's the shyest: umm idk
* who's the funniest: lindsay cracks me up just watching her from the other side of the classroom.
* who's the smartest: bernadette or emily.
* who's the most understanding: katrina
* who's the most sensitive: aaron? lol
* friends you trust: most of them.
* are you close to any family members: my aunt.

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