(no subject)

Nov 02, 2003 19:29

new layout kinda.

thursday owns you.

tom got burned because he was doing shots and i guess it involved fire...and the guy got the fire too close to his face and yeah.i feel bad for him.but its only 1st degree so hes not gonna look like a beast the rest of his life.even though sometimes he deserves to look like one.

i fainted today cause i didnt eat for a long time.but i felt sick..i couldnt.i got out of the shower and started to feel dizy so i went in my room and changed really fast and laid on my bed untill i felt better.i got really hot then super cold.:/

stacys mom has got it goin on.



:x: movie you rented = italin job
:x: movie you bought = i dunno but im buying finding nemo...on tuesday.
:x: song you listened to = coheed song
:x: song that was stuck in your head = a perfect sonnet-bright eyes
:x: cd you bought = wakefield awhile ago..
:x: cd you listened to = brand new-shower scene
:x: person you've called = tom
:x: person you hugged: katrina i think.
:x: person you kissed: aaron
:x: tv show you've watched = rich girls.yeah i rock i know.
:x: person you were thinking of = ..aaron. : /

:x: you think about suicide = not lately.
:x: you believe in online dating = no.
:x: you want more piercings = yesss.
:x: you drink = yes
:x: you do drugs = no
:x: you smoke = um no

:x: long distance relationships = nononono
:x: using someone = no
:x: killing people = for
:x: teenage smoking = whatever.
:x: premarital sex = no
:x: driving drunk = nooo.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = sure why not.

:x: ever cried over a guy/girl = yes
:x: ever lied to someone = yes
:x: ever been arrested = not yet.hah

:x: of times you have been in love? = i am now.
:x: of times you have had your heart broken? = once or twice.
:x: of hearts you have broken? = one or two.
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = none.
:x: of people you would classify as true friends, that you could trust with your life = idk.
:x: of people you consider your enemies? = a lot.
:x: of things in your past that you regret? = eh a lot.

:x: scent = guys colonge,love spell.
:x: word = kjldlas
:x: eye color = eh idk but i love eyelashes..
:x: flower = dark red roses.
:x: piercing = lip for sure.

:x: pretty = NO
:x: funny = i can be
:x: hot = right.
:x: friendly = if i like you.
:x: amusing = yeah im funny looking.
:x: loveable = eh idk
:x: pessimistic = ..sure
:x: optimistic = ..sure
:x: caring = yeah
:x: sweet = sometimes
:x: dorky = i guess.
:x: The story behind your user name: i got it from someone cause i couldnt get a code...

:x: Wallet = spotty dotty.hahahaha.
:x: Toothbrush = orange/white
:x: Jewelry worn daily = rings,black neclace,black studded bracelet.
:x: Pillow cover = two stripped and one quilted.
:x: Blanket = striped comforter..and my two baby blankets.hah.shut up.
:x: Coffee cup = nope.
:x: Sunglasses = i want some....
:x: Shoes = my vans with aarons shoe lace! their pimpin' yo
:x: Handbag = curdoroy..yeah i wish i could spell.
:x: Favorite shirt = hmmm too many but my fall out boy one (with mae's autographs i might add) is HAWTness.
:x: CD in stereo right now = bouncing souls.
:x: What you are wearing now = blue terry cloth pants and a white wifebeater...
:x: Hair = wet and up.
:x: Make-up = none

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) ...
:x: In my mouth = potatoes.
:x: In my head = ...aaron
:x: Wishing = he wasnt gone.
:x: After this = get something to drink.
:x: Talking to = ashley
:x: Person you wish you were with = yeah you know who you are.
:x: Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month = hmmm idk
:x: Something that you are deathly afraid of? = needles,someone i love dying.
:x: Do you like the taste of blood = noo.
:x: Do you believe in love = yeah.
:x: Do you believe in soul mates = no
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = no
:x: Do you believe in God = yeah.
:x: What do you want done with your body when you die = ..i dont really wanna think about it
:x: Who is your worst enemy? = my english teacher.
:x: If you could have any animal for a pet = horse.

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