Dear Mum and Dad,
I thought I should tell you. I have a boyfriend now. Today is our one month anniversary. His name is Colin Creevy. He's really nice.
George knows, he came to the school and met up with us. I hope you can come out for a Hogsmeade weekend some time, and you can met him.
Dear (insert name here),
If George hasn't told you already, I will. I have a boyfriend. Colin Creevy. He's a Gryffindor. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't kill him.
Dear Colin,
I'm a silly head and remember stupid things like this. It's our one month anniversary today. Happy day.
Um, meet up with me later?
::sits up in the owlery for a while until one of the owls flies in and some owl droppings land on her shoulder::
::hurries out of the owlery, then to Gryffindor Tower to change and shower::