school school school

Nov 22, 2004 03:15

i was pretty upset the other day when i received my grade back from my INFS test. i did poorly because of an many errors in the grading. several answers that i had put down for the fill in the blanks were marked wrong when they were actually correct. i was marked off for not using capital letters, or if i added a word in the fill in the blank that the answer sheet didn't have, etc. it was stupid. so the majority of my online classmates complained about this situation on our discussions board. i made sure my voice was heard as well.

out teacher finally posted after she waited out the rest of the complaints. in the end, she went back and manually regraded the test which helped my grade by about 10 points. now i'm happy! plus, we caused such a stir that out teacher is being wicked nice to us now by offering us a chance to drop our lowest grade. that means if i'm happy with my grades i don't have to take test four... hooray. i probably will anyway. there is always room for improvement, even if it's by 2 points. that's 2 points i didn't have before!

i get to do a similar thing in my mkt. management. laura is giving us the option of taking our final exam. she said she will take the highest test grade... either the mid term or final and double it to equal two test scores. good.

i wish all my teachers are doing this.... oh wait, my production operations teacher is doing this thing too, sorta. he is allowing us to retake one of his test. whichever one we want to retake and if we do worse he won't count it. i'll be retaking test 3 since i failed it. i obviously didn't get it the first time around. i've met with him since and i feel as if i have a better understanding of it. we'll see come retake day!

anyway, that's the current situation with my school work... well the testing part. i have a whole bunch of group project work too. it sucks, but i think we have it pretty much under control. tomorrow is my first presentation and it's with tillery. i don't think this will be a problem, especially since this is extra credit. getting only 10 points won't hurt kristen and me. it would be awesome if he gave us the whole 50 pts just for being one of the only groups who took advantage of his offer. i mean geeze, 50 extra credit pts! i would think everyone would be jumping out of theit seat to do a group project on a country. hmm, even if we don't have a good presentation, maybe he'll give us 50 pts. just because i'm half asian! i mean this is internation business!!!
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