Oct 21, 2010 19:04
I live in a LeoPalace in Osaka, and I've been in this apartment for over a year now with no real troubles. Until recently. My bathroom is the type with the sink, shower, and bathtub all together. I try my best to keep the drains as clean as possible. But recently, when I turn on water in the sink or in the bathtub, water comes up from the floor drain. Then water does not go down from either the floor drain or the bathtub drain until the water is stopped; it then slowly trickles down. This is making showering extremely difficult. I bought more drain cleaner and spent a good while scooping gunk out of my main drain, but I don't know what would cause this, exactly. Does anybody have any idea before I call LeoPalace and they charge me an arm and a leg to have someone look at it? Thanks!
living in japan,