(no subject)

Aug 19, 2011 12:17


mostly i post on lj anymore to complain about stuff that i can't complain about elsewhere. so like let me just get it out of the way that i have recently wanted to cut ties with (different) people elsewhere on the internet for saying harry potter is "boring" and for snottily telling me that they tried parks and rec and it was "um. not for [them]." those things are forgivable if you're my actual friend but not if you're just a twitter/tumblr acquaintance. people are also sometimes wrong on the internet about darren criss and/or chris colfer (i am pro-them both pretty hard) but that offends me less. :P

true blood is pretty enjoyable lately. bill and sookie are both MUCH more entertaining while apart, skarsgard is naked, pam is flawless, etc etc. still wish they'd get rid of tara; this shit feels like a retread of her with michelle forbes, tagging along, being a dumbass. at least that time she was under a spell.

saw the glee movie with alex and tirtzah and alison. it was so goddamn cheesy and i obviously loved it. mini-warbler!!!

billy was baptized a few weeks ago. did you know baptisms include a quick exorcism? i did not but i'm pleased to report that my baby is officially demon-free. lori and tirtzah and alex and alison all came along with some relatives and family friends of scott's fam (we had it at his parents' church in scranton) and it was a rockin' good time.

i was going to post some pics of billy but my lj app is being a whore and i don't think it's going to let me. :x if you want to see him you can always look at my baby blog on tumblr here. he looks pretty awesome.

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