catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.

May 24, 2010 13:35

i'm still feeling lots of feelings and thinking lots of thoughts about the end of lost. now that i'm somewhat calmer than last night, i will ramble thusly:

- i loved jack's goodbye to desmond. "see you in another life, brotha" has probably been my favorite lost line of all time.

- i also loved the payoff with the cut on jack's neck.

- jack's final moments on the island were absolutely stunning. from vincent lying down beside him (vincentttttt ♥) to jack's smile when he saw the plane fly overhead...perfect.

- i guess ultimately, i warmed up to jack a lot this season without actually realizing it, until by last night i straight up LOVED him. i think what caused this was that all the things that always drove me crazy about jack, the ways he was flawed as a person and (more importantly, maybe) as the leader, were addressed both explicitly and implicitly this season, and watching him grow and change allowed me to appreciate not only the man he became, but also the man he was. (also, because i never liked jack much, i never really paid attention to matthew fox. but he was so precious and earnest on jimmy kimmel that i was utterly charmed and kind of love him now.)

- sawyer & juliet's reunion was so much better than i'd imagined. i was waiting for that moment all season and i cried like a fucking baby. and fuck, elizabeth was insanely gorgeous in this ep. ♥____♥

- jin & sun being so happy to see sawyer when he walked in (and jin's obvious amusement that sawyer was a cop) made me stupidly happy. i always loved jin & sawyer's friendship. i cried like a bb during the ultrasound scene, obvs.

- i'm sad that ben didn't come into the church, but i LOVED his final scene with locke. michael & terry are always fantastic together. i also loved the little conversation that ben and hurley had while ben was outside the church. ben's happiness at seeing him and they way the spoke to each other made my heart all squishy.

- there were some great meta moments, like kate's "christian shephard? seriously?" and flocke's comment about jack being the obvious choice to replace jacob. and while it's not meta, i loved when ben agreed to be hurley's 2nd, and hurley just goes "" ♥ (jorge was just fucking wonderful in this ep.)

- also along those lines, i loved sawyer calling flocke "smokey." only sawyer would even call the monster by a nickname.

- there's still stuff about the real/island world that i don't fully understand, but i totally don't care. whether you call it electromagnetic energy or, like, the essence of life, or whatever, doesn't really mater. it was what you believed it to be, it was an anomaly, and the time they spent there, and with each other, was the most important part of their lives. i watched lost for the story and for the characters...i never really cared what the numbers meant, or why walt was special, or about the polar bears. i rarely watch or read ANYTHING for the plot, tbh.

- the sideways world as a sort of purgatory, i loved. i know some people were butthurt because initially everyone thought the island was purgatory and we were told it wasn't so this was, like, cheating or whatever, but i honestly thought it was perfect. so much of lost is about life and death and the fine line between them, that to me it was the exact right way to say goodbye to these characters. they lived. they died. they remembered. they let go. and together, they moved on. beautiful. ♥


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