all kinds of letters that never got sent.

Feb 11, 2009 16:45

dear grocery bagger dude:

i realize your job is probably not terribly exciting, and that the art of bagging groceries is most likely not terribly important to you. but this is your job. would it kill you to put even a little effort in? would it really have been that terrible to divide my purchases into three bags of manageable weight instead of the two heaviest little grocery bags ever? did i really need to spend the walk from my car to my house completely convinced that the straining bags in my hands were about to tear, splattering my soon-to-be dinner all over the sidewalk?

a little more pride in your work, please, bro. >:[

no love,

i have to take a shower and i really don't feel like it. maybe i can just douse myself in cheap perfume.[/gratuitous fob quote & also /crabby update]

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bitch bitch bitch, via ljapp, actual reality

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