flisssssssst! hai guys! i'm in florence! it's awesome! but i'm heading to rome in the morning! also awesome! and i miss you all! not awesome! exclamation point!
heh, can you tell i'm tired and kind of loopy? i'm not sure if it's coming across. ;) in any event, i'm going to bed pretty soon since i have to get up in the morning and catch a train to rome, but i figured i'd post some pics since i'm sure y'all are feeling deprived.
apropos of nothing, will i ever not have fall out boy stuck in my head? random bits of like 17 FOB songs have been running thru my brain this entire trip, most notably my cut text.
our terrace in venice; how cute is this, honestly?
out on the island where they do murano glass.
adorable gays playing with pigeons by st. mark's.
there are lots of pigeons there fyi.
st. mark's itself is unbelievable.
and boasts little gay sculptures(?!) of priceless red marble.
me (kind of) and some little glass unicorns!
florence is shibby, too!
it has a dome! (ok, you can't see the actual dome in this pic, shhh.)
i bought new sunglasses here!
and found a new boyfriend!
and i got a short attention span, coke [light] in my hand?
oh man, wait 'till i get home and have some actual internet time. you guys are going to be SO SICK of my vacay, lolz.
ps: botticelli paintings will never not make me flail. in the botticelli room at the uffizi gallery today, i had to FORCE myself to leave. how can you walk away from
this, gah?