Another challenge overcome

Nov 01, 2003 15:26

Whew, SAT II's are over. I do believe I've failed, but they're over nonetheless. Time to get started on precis.

Oh right, I had a 98 in AP Computer Science. Then I decided to blow off studying for the last test seeing as how my average was okay. It was said to be the easiest test of the year, and even the technologically challenged ones scored at least a 96 or above. The maximum was 108. I learned that blowing off studying for a test is not a good idea. A 75 was my score, as opposed to a 104 by that smart guy I used to be neck and neck with. We both had a 98 average before. Now his average is 100 and mine dropped about 8 points. I was planning on blowing off studying for the final if my semester grade was high enough. But now, I've destroyed my "wiggle room". This experience has greatly deflated my ego. Wow, I didn't even know I had one until it disappeared.

A rather enlightening conversation with Chen about religion. I used to go to some "Chinese Christian Church" which I hated, not due to the religion, but to the categorizing. It's nice that the church is nondenominational, but it's still rather exclusive in the ways of ethnicity. I've had many a "devout religious" person try in vain to "convert" me to Christianity. What they don't know is that all I oppose is their church. I consider myself Christian; not because of the amount of information pounded into my head, but because I've actually chosen to be one. It's just that so many of those "devout religious" fanatics go to church weekly, but it's mainly just a social event. A regular meeting place to gossip about the latest news and happenings in the community. Most of these "fanatics" are asleep during the service! I mean, sure there are some who are truly devoted to their faith, but the majority... Maybe it's just my church (not really "my" church, in a manner of speaking).

This extremely pious man came to my house on a regular basis to convert me. Lol, they still think I'm a Satan-worshipping devil child. Anyhow, he preached from a packet of paper for a week or so (not all at once!), then when I finally told him I didn't want to attend "his" church (They're very strict over there.), he freaked out and told me I was "condemned" and would never be redeemed. Whoo, thanks.

Enough of this religion talk. I'm sick of it.

I've around $34 dollars of credit at that used book store (from turning in some of my old books). I bought this huge Norton Anthology volume for 50 cents. Three thousand pages of useful-ness. I doubt I'll ever read half of it; it's just nice to know I have it around. The book spans all the way from Greek and Roman writers (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Virgil, Ovid, Plato, etc.) to famous literature from around the world (China, Japan, India, etc.) to European literature (Beowulf, The Prince, Hamlet, etc.) to... I can't name everything. The pages are extremely thin and gossamer-like (think of pages from the Bible). Maybe I'll never use it, but hey, 50 cents! Too bad the credit can only be used on old books.

I really need to start working.
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