Lots of people are nostalgic for LJ, and LJ is still here! People!!!!
My own LJ use is mostly on filters, custom and private. I do post now and again for all my friends, such as they are here now. I mean, no one is around really, but there are a few. There's a public post now and again, but mostly there are custom-filtered posts and even then, I am not sure who is reading them on that filter. But some do. That's where the real shit takes place, no doubt.
My posts are a lot of recounting these days and not that creative. I am keeping a record or working something out that is often more interesting to me than to anyone else. Still...
I write, seriously, so writing here is just another outlet though a messy and gawky one. Sometimes a silly one, certainly not always a serious one. My obsessive streak enjoys the record keeping aspects and I find it helpful, if sometimes depressing to read back and see what has changed and -- what should have changed in my life and has not.
What got me going on this? This article I just stumbled on in a search on that LJ nemesis - FB.
But really, while FB has its charms, LJ is really way more satisfying and useful. I think many think so, I am not alone in this assessment.
The article is a bit of an adolescent nostalgia piece and I was far from adolescent during LJ's hey dey - -yet... it works.
But any way, I will keep puttering along... posting. It has its purpose... so, here is the link: