Feb 16, 2004 12:28
I'm stuck in English right now. I know it's been a loooong time since I posted in my lj so I thought I would let all of you know that I’m still alive. My hands still smell, we dissected cats in anatomy today. It was okay, but the smell still makes me nauseous. Oh well, it’s not like I’m eating much these days anyway. I think the most I’ve eaten all week is the day Blake and I went to Abuelos. It was good food but I had a stomach ache afterwards. Oh well…it was worth it. In a way I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t get to hang out with everyone on Saturday night but I wouldn’t have been able to have much fun anyway since I can’t drink. It’s been so long since I just had an extremely good time hanging out with everyone. But I’m sure that’s my fault. All I have been doing lately is dragging around being moody. Granted I haven’t been in a great mood in the past 2 weeks but I guess I’m just not ready to talk yet. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m ready to talk but it’s nothing that anyone hasn’t heard. I guess I’m just taking it differently now. I don’t know anymore…I feel like I’m turning out like my mother. I act just like her sometimes and I even catch myself doing the same things to other people that I would despise her for. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? I hope so…the last thing I want to do is grow up and be exactly like her. I need something to take my mind off all my thoughts. I just want to hide from them. I just want to bury them and never have to think about them again. But I know for a fact that is not the best way to handle things. No matter how much fun I have, no matter how deep I bury my thoughts, they’re never really gone…just dormant for the time being. Hell, right now I’ll even take that if it will let me be free from shit for more than 10 seconds. Oh well…shit happens. Better get to finishing my story for English. Take care everyone and have a great day.