*Rebound Dates*

May 06, 2008 10:40

As you all know that i recently ended a 4 yrs relationship this past March 08 and Ive been going thru a transition and trying to make myself distracted with all this heartaches and sadness. Luckily, enough I have few things to do such as: spending time with my amazing friends and family, volunteering for LGBT community and go on for some dates.

In the beginning, i feel like i lost my charm and questions myself if im ready to have fun again or ready to go on dates. But interesting enough, I still have my charm and still get approached by guys. Everytime I was asked for a date, i always let them know that i just recently just got out of relationship and im really not looking for anything in particular.. Some respects it and some was disappointed.

I always tell them " I dont want u to like me the way you want to like me"
its kinda sad that i have to say that but thats how i feel.. Eventhough some of them are really interesting and sweet enough to go on more than a date.I still feel like i will need more time.

On the other hand, there is this one particular guy that i just met and interesting enough. He was going thru the same situation that I am. So far we connect so well and we even joke around that we should go for"rebound dates" together haha..

We are getting along so well that its kinda scary and im starting to have this funny "good" feeling inside and I can feel that he feel the same way.
All my thoughts are coming to my head.. What if it grows more and more..and we fully connect? Should i pursue this instinct feelings that telling me inside? Should I avoid him because this is really not gonna help me? Can 2 heartbroken guys can be together despite of their past? Is it ok to go out with him more than just a date?

Any thoughts?

ended a 4 yrs rel due to infidelity

ended a 3 yrs rel due to infidelity as well.
(of course there is more to it )

(all- forgive my grammar and writing.. im working on it)
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