Jul 02, 2005 12:25
Commitment is a noun; meaning dedication; committing oneself; engagement or obligation.
I won't pretend to be a wise person explaining the deeper meaning of the word commitment. Like everyone else, we have different opinions and we give different interpretation to certain events in life.
I once thought of commitment as a level of relationship. The more I commit, the more I love the person. The more I spend time with the person, the more I commit myself to that person. Committing is like an essential part of a good relationship. What would you call a relationship without commitment?
There's a person I know, who seems to have an odd meaning of commitment. Commitment for her is like "losing your freedom". So if she commits herself to her special someone, she will of course have less time for others. She can't commit because committing is having an obligation. But obligation is different from dedication.
It's confusing. Obligation is more like a task, a duty that one is required to do..he likes it or not. Dedication is doing something based on feelings. It is doing something that you would love to do or you devote yourself to.
I always believe that love has no condition..but surely, love has a window. It must have a little opening wherein one can look closer inside. Commitment is like a window to love. It is like looking through a person's heart; it shows how a person give importance to his loved one by giving him her trust, time and devotion.
Love is never an obligation, but love consists of an honest and sincere commitment.