May 02, 2005 08:14
Yes, I need mush, mush can be used for many things, mush is a friend, mush is an enemy, mush is sexual, mush is confusing, somemdays I like mush, other days I despise it. Mush is illegal in some states and the legal age of mush is 1 in other states. If you were to tread on mush it would rip your leg off, but having a shower with mush it very fun. Mush is self-sufficient yet you can't leave it on its own for ages coz it'll cry heaps and try to hang itself coz Mush needs friends to survive in this MUSHY world!!!
Well, that was my mushy ramble. Now dear people, go-out and buy yourself a mush, and a spare one for you cupboard!!!
Bye-bye now :)