- 10:55 Amazed by the flowingmedia.com leaders speaking at #Hdigital @MIT -- talking data visualizations that are beautiful + useful. Fascinating! #
- 11:01 Blown away exploring fleshmap.com/ -- maps of desire and caress, how people like to be touched vs. where their lovers touch them. #
- 12:05 11740 in Google PacMan - first time I've played this game in at least 10 years.....nice embed fun! #
- 12:23 Watching this well-diagrammed talk on network culture, mapping interactive arts relationships makes me miss @valdiskrebs #HDigital #patterns #
- 12:49 Using games as models for evidence of particular events & emergent patterns at #HDigital -- gameplay allows for new perspectives interacting #
- 13:01 #sciencediction I talk about "alternate intelligences" @scifri as a way to frame AI, natural relationships and human engagement with others. #
oh and by the way, I love you!