It's nearing the end of the year when McDonald's start selling Prosperity Burger! :) Apparently only in Singapore and Malaysia. Lucky us!
That orange drink is ridiculously yummy. I think it's just orange+7up, though. Haha! R U jelez? :P
Last night, we had a fight last night, or I think it was a fight. I think it was more of an Ego contest. I went to bed hurt and in tears and I woke up feeling horrible and even more hurt. I never open up or give my personal views to anyone because I’m always trying to make myself as pleasant as possible to the point that I could create these personalities and opinions to meet that other person’s own values. From a perspective, that’s awesome. That is skill but it’s so tiring. I have friends who I’ve known for so long but until now, I am still afraid of talking about things that involve personal opinions and views. It’s almost oppressing. So when the only person that I was able to have a full on conversation with, the person I thought I could spill my guts and soul to, tells me that apparently it’s not welcomed…. I just go back to thinking that perhaps my opinions and views are really that horrible. Maybe I’m really just weird. Maybe I’m just very shitty at talking to people.
If people like me when I’m just that girl who cracks jokes and don’t take things seriously and have no opinion about the world, then perhaps I should just stick with that. Sure, it just makes me more bottled up but so far, it got me friends, it got me to the things I want, it gets things done… So, why not right? My expression is always on online blogs anyways. So, I guess I am activating up my livejournal back on just so I can be real to something or someone. Which is kind of sad.
But I wanted 2010 and 2011 to remain drama free, so in order to do that... I need to stay positive. It's hard. I really want 2011 to be a more positive thinking one and I guess this is the way. :)
If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Or whatever.
Haha! Smiley smiley face.