bastards bastards everywhere

Feb 20, 2011 01:10

I have not posted here in some time! So I decided to do so, seeing as I drew a whole bunch of things today. I am finally taking to heart some of that advice about drawing every day.

If you draw a diagonal line from top right to bottom left, everyone on/below that line is part of the esteemed clan of bastards who my main character (seen middle bottom, facepalming) belongs to. The one with the bob is his sister, everyone else is a cousin. The two in the top left are some crazy hobo with bad hair and her girlfriend just below. Then there are some abs because everyone loves abs (especially me). I really did not expect cousin #2 (top right) to turn out so handsome but I'm glad, at least he kinda looks like how I envisioned him.

Then there are some eyeballs because I love eyeballs. Eye swim! Eye love you! Eye insult your face! Okay I am done making stupid puns. More drawings soon I hope.


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