It seems I have nothing to hide what so ever this summer, eh? All the posts I make are for everyone to see, how nice! XD This one will be a little photo-update; Matti wanted to try taking close-ups today, as this is something he hasn't had a lot of practice with. And then, I took close-ups of his close-ups, as we looked them over on the computer.
I kinda liked the pixel-y, grainy effect which appeared when taking a photo of a computer screen. Lookit:
Also Matti updated the site for his and
mellokins's convention and uploaded the long-awaited pictures from the con! You can have a look at all the craziness that occurred here:
keysmash01, or click the links below, with the names of the photographers:
Jill +
cosplay Cesia Lollo Mello And now my lovely man is coming down the stairs with dinner. Om nom chicken! Hope you're all having a lovely summer!