Mar 25, 2007 11:34
if a monster in a videogame appears and the game tells you the monster hasn't noticed your presence, doesnt that mean it ISN'T GOING TO FLEE because it doenst knwo you're there?!#!
let me elaborate:
i'm playing dragon quest viii (yes, even with final fantasy xii on my hands) and Liquid Metal Slime appeared. metal slimes in this game give you insane amounts of EXP. this one gives 10,500 if you kill it. for those that don't know, that's a metric fuckton of experience - most fights at this point only leave you with 300 or so.
it's relaly hard to damage these guys. this one's got 8hp, and each hit normally does about 1hp damage. i've got 4 characters. and these guys flee often. so it said it didnt notice me and i was lke YES! TIME TO CASH IN! so i spent my first turn raising my character's attack powers and then the little bastard flees.
i'm going to cry and cut myself in the shower now excuse me