1. post anonymously unless linking to a fill posted somewhere else
2. use the subject line to indicate pairing (in alphabetical order using stage names i.e.baekhyun/chanyeol) prompt details go in the comment.
3. use trigger warnings
4. do not embed on meme. link to images/videos. label nsfw content.
5. do not repost prompts
chen/tao -
home is the most important place in the world (second to my dick) 2/2everyone/suho - food play -
nantaimori 2/2d.o./sehun -
cl(ass)y 1/1luhan/xiumin - 72 hours (warning: dub con) -
don't worry about it 2/2chanyeol/d.o. -
untitled 1/1baekhyun/d.o. -
untitled 1/1chanyeol/kai - size kink -
some like it small 2/2 kai/luhan -
of mocha and latte froth 1/1suho -
the hue of your smile 2/3baekhyun/kris -
swaying with the fish 2/2baekhyun/tao -
sticky mess 2/2kai/girl!tao - pegging -
untitled 2/2luhan/sehun -
fun for two 1/1d.o./kai -
work of art 2/2luhan/suho -
of a broken heart, stolen lips and healing hands 1/1luhan/sehun -
learn to knock 2/2luhan/sehun -
a hyung’s helping hand (and mouth) chen/kris -
untitled 1/1kai/kris - lingerie -
lacy rhymes with racy 1/1 baekhyun/tao - D/s themes -
seesaw 4/4kai/sehun - foodplay -
eat me 1/1kai/kris/suho - kid!fic -
of sandcastles and strawberry ice-creams 2/2 flat view |
delicious archive |
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current post.