
Nov 13, 2006 02:24

zodttd, the mastermind of psx4all, is leaving the project behind. He'll instead be focusing on working with hlide, which is great news for the PSP scene. It's especially important with Sony's PS1 emulator right around the corner. I'm concerned about this because I know many people will upgrade to it and lose the ability to run our firmware, possibly forever. It's all a race.

But more than that, he also wants to work on gpSP for GP2X. He's made a post about it on the gp32x forums. We talked about it for some time. I'd like to work on it, I just don't have a GP2X and I don't know if I can dedicate myself to it. But I at least brainstormed with him for a while.

We'd corresponded a decent amount in private message, but this was the first time I talked to him online. I liked talking to him, I think we can both learn some decent things from each other. He also represents somewhat of an ideal I have.. he works for a very small company that writes games. Not that I want to write games, but like me he likes keeping things small and modest in work, and likes low level. We both want to do embedded software. It's good to at least find that someone relates with that, and likes doing things just because other people want it done. Everyone else seems to be after making some huge name for themselves and lots of money...

I'm not sure how the gpSP GP2X deal will go though. Then there's the notion of the DC port which is an entirely different matter, and a PS2 port which would be closer to the PSP one.. and a V43 port which would fall under the same category. So much, but I still have to focus on the PSP version.

At least I finally fixed the Mario vs. Donkey Kong bug. I thought it might have been in the contiguous conditional block scanning but convinced myself it wasn't because I tried something to eliminate it. But I did it wrong. So while trying to set things up so I could actually compare the interpreter with the dynarec I stumbled upon a dynarec where it DID work, and it was because of the conditional blocks. So I redid the flags modification checking and it works.

One less thing to worry about.

Don't know how I'll handle Mario & Luigi or Zelda. Those are the big ones. There are other slight problems and speed issues in various games to look into but I'm at least getting closer to my goals for 0.9. I also have to reimplement the unofficial kai features. He actually e-mailed me today, and I was very pleased that he did. He used a machine translation, which I found very amusing since I was telling someone that that was always a viable solution for him. And indeed it was. And he gave me patches, not just source. Excellent. Course, the only thing he added since his last release was something I already fixed because aeolesc told me about it (I wonder if they colaborate too?! :O) but it's the thought that counts.

Anyway. I like talking about all this technical stuff with people in IMs. I hope it lasts a while longer, although I'm afraid our dreams will all fade away. And the prospects of huge projects always scare me. A lot.

The MZX port actually scared me tremendously. I was convinced that what I was doing was impossible, but pushed forward anyway because I was so desperate to find something else to occupy my thoughts.

I think that's how my life will continue. Finding distractions from the chaotic cage of thoughts. I wonder what the next big one will be?

Oh, and I have to learn about Shor's Algorithm more so I can give a presentation on it Tuesday. >_>
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