Aug 06, 2006 14:13
hey there.
well today is sunday. sundays are soo boring , lemme tell you.
im feeling alot better about things lately . like .. for starters :
my mind has been everywhere trying to think of where we will end up.
finally , im thinking i have a good concrete idea . now , unfortunately , i will
not know in writing untill about the 16th . but the bank we went and seen ,
are actually incredibly intrested , and the trip wasn't a waste at all .
on friday , they gave my dad a proposal . it's not exactly what he wanted ..
but on the 15th he has to go to clearwater and meet with them again , and
they are going to discuss " terms " and negotiate on the "proposal" if that makes any sense.
so , with that being said ... we would need to be in the clearwater/ saint pete area of florida.
( where the bank is ) . my dad and i talked about it and decided that we thought instead of buying
a house , we could rent a little condo or something for a year . and then maybe build a house .
i like that idea much better anyways . we have found two condos. one is in clearwater on the beach about
25 mins away from the bank .and the other is in saint pete & is 14 mins away from the bank.
obviously saint pete would be more logical , but we really would like to be on the beach if were going
to live in a condo . so yeah , im all for that . if you try to buy a house down in florida on the ocean , you can expect to pay about
4 + million . so a condo is just wonderful . lol. both of them have 2 bedrooms , and 2 baths .. and the saint pete one has a den as well.
it will be a change , definitely . but im okay with it . the beach makes it all worth it , not to mention richard being like 30 mins away.
so , clearwater is also close to USF , which is cool .. cuz i like that school alot . i don't know if i could ever get in , but i plan on applying.
then next will be a job & a gym of course. so , yeah .. thats what seems to be going down as of right now. i wouldnt be suprised if this all changes in like a week , but i like to just think i know whats going on . but the proposal kind of gives me the idea that it's all for sure.
gahh , so i wrote like a novel . oh , i have been running everyday . it's pretty great .. im noticing a very slight difference already again.
right now, im running about three miles a day , eventually i want to run 5 .. then 7 , then +
im really starting to love it . i highly doubt i can get the results i want from just running though. i plan on getting a trainer when i get to florida ,
get me started on some weight lifting .. tone up .
mm yeah so this post was kind of pointless .. i always come here to like get everything off my mind. lol. whether its bad or good.
i wouldn't blame anyone if they didnt read this . =]