Sep 15, 2009 13:41
Well,an odd day ...
Was waiting at the bus stop outside South City this afternoon returning from an interview when a young man plops down next to me. Abit scruffy but obviously working somewhere nearby.
My bus is 10 mins away and I'm texting when he say hello..obviously I politely reply....he comments on the weather etc..all good
Then he asks me if I have a partner/husband...and if I have any kids. Did I want them soon? Do I drink? no? Obviously I must be a Christian...No? Weird...he couldn't think of any other reason after that why I wouldn't. I can only assume that he'd noticed a lack of wedding ring and assumed I was fair game
and then he dropped this
"So did I feel like going for a walk with him?" gesturing to around the back of South City
I was already abit spaced out that this guy was _hitting on me_..but when this came about I said no thank you quite pointedly and reminded him that my bus was nearly here and excused myself, before moving down to the curb to wait...he cheerily waved and wished me a lovely afternoon.
I could deal with good natured flirting, but this just felt so very wrong from the word go. I feel like I need a shower....